Autolesiones y su incidencia en la salud mental en una adolescente de 16 años de la Ciudadela Brisas del Rio
Moncada Cedeño, Denisse Johanna
Self-harm or also considered injuries without suicidal intent are one of the main mental health problems in adolescents, being caused by violence at home, low self-esteem or the appearance of other mental disorders such as major depressive disorders, many of which Occasions in which adolescents engage in this behavior generate a risk to their well-being, even if they do so with the aim of alleviating suffering, they run the risk that the injury may exceed the severity and leave sequelae or end life, therefore in the present study The case study presents the theme "self-harm and its incidence on mental health in a 16-year-old adolescent from the Brisas del Río citadel", which aims to determine the incidence of self-harm on mental health in an adolescent, with the In order to collect data or information on the case, two types of evaluation and psychotherapeutic intervention were carried out, the premium was evaluated the patient using direct observation techniques, unstructured interview, bibliographic review and psychometric tests such as ISB, BDI and ERSP, and the second, a psychotherapeutic intervention in which the therapeutic plan is applied according to the patient's needs, concluding that the the objective. Self-harm or also considered injuries without suicidal intent are one of the main mental health problems in adolescents, being caused by violence at home, low self-esteem or the appearance of other mental disorders such as major depressive disorders, many of which Occasions in which adolescents engage in this behavior generate a risk to their well-being, even if they do so with the aim of alleviating suffering, they run the risk that the injury may exceed the severity and leave sequelae or end life, therefore in the present study The case study presents the theme "self-harm and its incidence on mental health in a 16-year-old adolescent from the Brisas del Río citadel", which aims to determine the incidence of self-harm on mental health in an adolescent, with the In order to collect data or information on the case, two types of evaluation and psychotherapeutic intervention were carried out, the premium was evaluated the patient using direct observation techniques, unstructured interview, bibliographic review and psychometric tests such as ISB, BDI and ERSP, and the second, a psychotherapeutic intervention in which the therapeutic plan is applied according to the patient's needs, concluding that the the objective. Las autolesiones o también consideradas lesiones sin intención suicida son una de las principales problemáticas de salud mental en los adolescentes, siendo esta causadas por violencia en el hogar, baja autoestima o por la aparición de otros trastornos mentales como los trastornos depresivos mayor, muchas de las ocasiones en que los adolescente inciden en esta conducta generan riesgo para su bienestar, aunque lo realicen con el objetivo de aliviar sufrimiento, corren el riesgo que la lesión pueda exceder en gravedad y dejar secuelas o acabar con la vida, por ende en el presente estudio de caso se plantea como temática “autolesiones y su incidencia en la salud mental en una adolescente de 16 años de la ciudadela Brisas del Río”, la cual tiene como objetivo determinar la incidencia de la autolesiones en la salud mental en una adolescente, con la finalidad de recolectar datos o información del caso se realizaron dos tipos de intervención de evaluación y psicoterapéutica, la primera se evaluó a la paciente utilizando técnicas de observación directa, entrevista no estructurada, revisión bibliográfica y pruebas psicométricas como ISB, BDI Y ERSP, y la segunda una intervención psicoterapéutica en la cual se aplica el plan terapéutico acorde a la necesidad del paciente, concluyendo que se cumplió con el objetivo.