Proceso de atención de enfermería en gestante de 30 semanas con preeclampsia severa.
Lema Pérez, Mavelin Del Rosario
The following clinical case study is focused on a 30-week pregnant woman who went to the emergency area due to persistent headache, photophobia, nausea, emesis, edema of the lower limbs and abdominal pain in the upper part, below the ribs and On the right side. Vital signs were taken and blood pressure 140/90 mmHg, heart rate 100 x1, respiration 22 x1, temperature 37.4 º C, oxygen saturation 97% were evidenced. Once the patient has been stabilized, the doctor prescribes a complete blood count, blood chemistry and pelvic ultrasound examinations. Through Marjorie Gordon's function pattern assessment, dysfunction patterns were identified, which were compromising the patient. Among them, we have pattern 2: nutricional/ metabolic, 4: activity / rest, pattern 6: elimination and exchange, and finally; adaptation / stress tolerance. Which were treated immediately applying nursing care, managing to stabilize and restore the patient's health status during their hospitalization. It was recommended that the patient should make a consultation before being pregnant in order to evaluate possible risk factors and thus reduce the possibility of the appearance of this type of pregnancy complications. The consumption of vitamin supplements before and during pregnancy and also to maintain healthy lifestyle habits that reduce the possibility of complications in the short and long term. However, it is important to mention that adequate monitoring, control, treatment and comfort will also be provided to both the pregnant woman and the fetus. In the same way, the pertinent nursing care will be carried out, where the use of the taxonomies Nanda (diagnoses), Nic (interventions) and Noc (results) will be applied in order to achieve our objectives proposed in this clinical case study The following clinical case study is focused on a 30-week pregnant woman who went to the emergency area due to persistent headache, photophobia, nausea, emesis, edema of the lower limbs and abdominal pain in the upper part, below the ribs and On the right side. Vital signs were taken and blood pressure 140/90 mmHg, heart rate 100 x1, respiration 22 x1, temperature 37.4 º C, oxygen saturation 97% were evidenced. Once the patient has been stabilized, the doctor prescribes a complete blood count, blood chemistry and pelvic ultrasound examinations. Through Marjorie Gordon's function pattern assessment, dysfunction patterns were identified, which were compromising the patient. Among them, we have pattern 2: nutricional/ metabolic, 4: activity / rest, pattern 6: elimination and exchange, and finally; adaptation / stress tolerance. Which were treated immediately applying nursing care, managing to stabilize and restore the patient's health status during their hospitalization. It was recommended that the patient should make a consultation before being pregnant in order to evaluate possible risk factors and thus reduce the possibility of the appearance of this type of pregnancy complications. The consumption of vitamin supplements before and during pregnancy and also to maintain healthy lifestyle habits that reduce the possibility of complications in the short and long term. However, it is important to mention that adequate monitoring, control, treatment and comfort will also be provided to both the pregnant woman and the fetus. In the same way, the pertinent nursing care will be carried out, where the use of the taxonomies Nanda (diagnoses), Nic (interventions) and Noc (results) will be applied in order to achieve our objectives proposed in this clinical case study El siguiente estudio de caso clínico está enfocado en una gestante de 30 semanas que acude al área de emergencia, por presentar cefalea persistente, fotofobia, náuseas, emesis, edemas de miembros inferiores y dolor abdominal en la parte superior, por debajo de las costillas y en el lado derecho. Se procedió a la toma de las constantes vitales y se evidenció la presión arterial 140/90 mmHg, frecuencia cardiaca 100 x1, respiración 22 x1, temperatura 37.4 º C, saturación de oxigeno 97 %. Una vez que se logró estabilizar al paciente, se realiza exámenes de hemograma, química sanguínea y ecografía pélvica. Mediante la valoración por patrones funciones de Marjorie Gordon se identificaron los patrones disfunciones, los cuales estaban comprometiendo al paciente. Entre ellos, tenemos el patrón 2: nutricional/ metabólico, 4: actividad/reposo, patrón 6: eliminación e intercambio, y por ultimo; adaptación / tolerancia al estrés. Los cuales se trataron inmediatamente aplicando los cuidados de enfermería, logrando estabilizar y restaurar el estado de salud del paciente durante su hospitalización. Se recomendó a la paciente que debe realizar una consulta antes de estar embarazada con el fin de evaluar posibles factores de riesgo y así reducir la posibilidad de aparición de este tipo de complicaciones en el embarazo. Él consumo de suplementos vitamínicos antes y durante la gestación, permitirá reducir la posibilidad de complicaciones a corto y largo plazo. Sin embargo, es importante mencionar que se brindará el adecuado seguimiento, control, tratamiento y confort tanto a la gestante como al feto. De igual manera se ejecutaran los cuidados pertinentes de enfermería, donde se aplicará el uso de las taxonomías Nanda (diagnósticos), Nic (intervenciones) y Noc (resultados) con el propósito de lograr nuestros objetivos propuestos en este estudio de caso clínico.