Proceso de atención de enfermería en paciente de 43 años de edad con leiomioma del útero.
Flores Borrero, Génesis Belén
Uterine leiomyomas are a more common type of benign gynecological tumor, they are generated from the smooth muscle of the uterus, the clinical manifestations depend on size, number and position, although they are generally asymptomatic, there are many treatments for leiomyomas, but the most used and effective is the hysterectomy. The causes of uterine leiomyomas are not exactly known, however there are risk factors that influence their development, the most common being race and genes. The objective of this clinical case is to develop the nursing care process in a 43-year-old patient with uterine leiomyomas who attends the gynecological emergency area of the Martin Icaza General Hospital due to abundant transvaginal bleeding, weakness, headache, pelvic pain, a through the review of the patient's medical history, and assessment of the functional patterns of the Marjory Gordon theory, developing a nursing care process whose care contributes to the recovery and comfort of the patient. Uterine leiomyomas are a more common type of benign gynecological tumor, they are generated from the smooth muscle of the uterus, the clinical manifestations depend on size, number and position, although they are generally asymptomatic, there are many treatments for leiomyomas, but the most used and effective is the hysterectomy. The causes of uterine leiomyomas are not exactly known, however there are risk factors that influence their development, the most common being race and genes. The objective of this clinical case is to develop the nursing care process in a 43-year-old patient with uterine leiomyomas who attends the gynecological emergency area of the Martin Icaza General Hospital due to abundant transvaginal bleeding, weakness, headache, pelvic pain, a through the review of the patient's medical history, and assessment of the functional patterns of the Marjory Gordon theory, developing a nursing care process whose care contributes to the recovery and comfort of the patient. Los leiomiomas uterinos son un tipo de tumor benigno ginecológico más común, se generan del musculo liso del útero, las manifestaciones clínicas dependen de tamaño, número y posición, aunque generalmente son asintomáticos, existen muchos tratamientos para los leiomiomas, pero el más utilizado y eficaz es la histerectomía. No se conocen exactamente las cusas de los leiomiomas uterinos sin embargo existen factores de riesgo que influyen en el desarrollo de estos los más comunes son la raza y los genes. El presente caso clínico tiene como objetivo desarrollar el proceso de atención de enfermería en paciente de 43 años de edad con leiomiomas uterino que acude al área de emergencia ginecológica del Hospital General Martin Icaza por presentar sangrado transvaginal abundante, debilidad, cefalea, dolor pélvico, a través de la revisión de la historia clínica del paciente, y valoración de los patrones funcionales de la teoría Marjory Gordon, elaborando un proceso de atención de enfermería cuyos cuidados contribuyen a la recuperación y confort de la paciente.