Drogodependencia y su efecto en los patrones conductuales de un joven de 24 años de edad del cantón Ventanas
Recalde Naveda, Carlos Vicente
The present case study was carried out with the objective of identifying through cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to determine if drug dependence influences the behavioral patterns of a 24 year old young man who assists for consultation at the Dr. Jaime Roldós Aguilera basic hospital in the Ventanas canton. Thus, the methodology used in this work is aimed at scientific research of mixed type, where information was collected on the variables: drug dependence and behavioral patterns which are exposed in this case study, also required the use of different techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy, which allowed the objective to be fulfilled optimally to subsequently provide the corresponding therapy to the patient through a therapeutic plan which includes a procedure in an individual therapy aimed at modifying those beliefs that the patient presented during the psychological intervention, all this in order to overcome their problem and improve their quality of life both personally and socially. The present case study was carried out with the objective of identifying through cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to determine if drug dependence influences the behavioral patterns of a 24 year old young man who assists for consultation at the Dr. Jaime Roldós Aguilera basic hospital in the Ventanas canton. Thus, the methodology used in this work is aimed at scientific research of mixed type, where information was collected on the variables: drug dependence and behavioral patterns which are exposed in this case study, also required the use of different techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy, which allowed the objective to be fulfilled optimally to subsequently provide the corresponding therapy to the patient through a therapeutic plan which includes a procedure in an individual therapy aimed at modifying those beliefs that the patient presented during the psychological intervention, all this in order to overcome their problem and improve their quality of life both personally and socially. El presente estudio de caso se realizó con el objetivo de identificar mediante técnicas de la terapia cognitivo conductual para determinar si la drogodependencia influye en los patrones conductuales de un joven de 24 años que asiste a consulta al hospital básico Dr. Jaime Roldós Aguilera del cantón Ventanas. De tal manera, la metodología utilizada en este trabajo está dirigida a la investigación científica de tipo mixta, donde se recopilo información de las variables: drogodependencia y patrones conductuales las cuales se encuentran expuestas en el presente estudio de caso, además se requirió el uso de diferentes técnicas de la terapia cognitivo conductual, las cuales permitieron que el objetivo planteado sea cumplido de manera óptima para posteriormente brindar la terapia correspondiente al paciente mediante un plan terapéutico el cual contempla un procedimiento en una Terapia Individual dirigida a modificar aquellas creencias que el paciente presento durante la intervención psicológica, todo esto con la finalidad de que supere su problema y mejore su calidad de vida tanto personal como social.