Incidencia de las actividades recreativas lúdicas en los niños de 8 a 10 años en la cátedra de educación física de la Unidad Educativa Francisco Huerta Rendón periodo 2022
Roche Cando, Andy Steven
In the present investigation entitled; "INCIDENCE OF PLAYFUL RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN CHILDREN FROM 8 TO 10 YEARS OLD IN THE CHAIR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF THE FRANCISCO HUERTA RENDÓN EDUCATIONAL UNIT, PERIOD 2022" once the initial diagnosis and the research problem have been carried out, whose main objective is to identify the activities sports and recreational activities that they carry out in physical education classes in order to design a physical exercise guide that contributes to the development of 5th grade students. In the theoretical framework section, through a bibliographical research, information was collected from scientific articles, theses, among other documents.
Through the application of a survey and an interview, plus the use of the direct observation technique, the information that serves as the basis for the elaboration of a proposal for a physical exercise guide was obtained, which will be a contribution to improve the physical conditions of the children. students.
This proposal was professionally designed in order to be replicated by the other teachers who make up the Francisco Huerta Rendon Educational Unit. In the present investigation entitled; "INCIDENCE OF PLAYFUL RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN CHILDREN FROM 8 TO 10 YEARS OLD IN THE CHAIR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF THE FRANCISCO HUERTA RENDÓN EDUCATIONAL UNIT, PERIOD 2022" once the initial diagnosis and the research problem have been carried out, whose main objective is to identify the activities sports and recreational activities that they carry out in physical education classes in order to design a physical exercise guide that contributes to the development of 5th grade students. In the theoretical framework section, through a bibliographical research, information was collected from scientific articles, theses, among other documents.
Through the application of a survey and an interview, plus the use of the direct observation technique, the information that serves as the basis for the elaboration of a proposal for a physical exercise guide was obtained, which will be a contribution to improve the physical conditions of the children. students.
This proposal was professionally designed in order to be replicated by the other teachers who make up the Francisco Huerta Rendon Educational Unit. En la presente investigación titulada; “INCIDENCIA DE LAS ACTIVIDADES RECREATIVAS LÚDICAS EN LOS NIÑOS DE 8 A 10 AÑOS EN LA CÁTEDRA DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FRANCISCO HUERTA RENDÓN PERIODO 2022” una vez realizado el diagnóstico inicial y el problema de investigación, cuyo objetivo principal es identificar las actividades deportivas y recreativas que realizan en las clases de educación física. En el apartado del marco teórico mediante una investigación bibliográfica se recopilo información de artículos científicos, tesis, entre otros documentos.
Mediante la aplicación de una encuesta y una entrevista, más el uso de la técnica de observación directa se obtuvo la información que sirve de base para la elaboración de una propuesta de guía de ejercicios físicos los cuales serán un aporte para mejorar las condiciones físicas de los estudiantes.