Dispositivos móviles y su incidencia en el desarrollo de queratoconjuntivitis seca en pacientes de 20 a 30 años en óptica "salud visual" de la ciudad de milagro. Período junio - noviembre 2022.
Salazar Llerena, Roger Harringson
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is a chronic dehydration of the conjunctiva and cornea of both eyes caused by too little tear production or accelerated evaporation. Typical symptoms include intermittent itching, burning; a feeling of grittiness, blurring, pulling or foreign body and photosensitivity. The objective of the research was to determine if the prolonged use of mobile devices influences the incidence of keratoconjunctivitis sicca, in patients aged 20 to 30 years, in Optical Visual Health, Ciudad de Milagro, period June-November 2022, a qualitative - quantitative (Mixed) methodology was used, the population and work sample was 98 people, men and women who attend optical health, the outcomes found were that dry keratoconjunctivitis predominates in the male gender, in age ranges from 20 to 25 years, the most common symptom is xerophthalmia, 98% of patients have no idea what keratoconjunctivitis sicca is, users think that they can reduce the impact of this condition by using mobile devices moderately. The Schirmer test was used, which made it possible to examine the degree of dry keratoconjunctivitis that the users showed, being of medium severity in the male gender. exceeding in people from 20 to 25 years old, the most common symptom was xerophthalmia, at the end a precautionary manual was made that will serve for optometrists and users, at the end it can be confirmed that there is ignorance of the excessive use of cell phones related to health sight in the population. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is a chronic dehydration of the conjunctiva and cornea of both eyes caused by too little tear production or accelerated evaporation. Typical symptoms include intermittent itching, burning; a feeling of grittiness, blurring, pulling or foreign body and photosensitivity. The objective of the research was to determine if the prolonged use of mobile devices influences the incidence of keratoconjunctivitis sicca, in patients aged 20 to 30 years, in Optical Visual Health, Ciudad de Milagro, period June-November 2022, a qualitative - quantitative (Mixed) methodology was used, the population and work sample was 98 people, men and women who attend optical health, the outcomes found were that dry keratoconjunctivitis predominates in the male gender, in age ranges from 20 to 25 years, the most common symptom is xerophthalmia, 98% of patients have no idea what keratoconjunctivitis sicca is, users think that they can reduce the impact of this condition by using mobile devices moderately. The Schirmer test was used, which made it possible to examine the degree of dry keratoconjunctivitis that the users showed, being of medium severity in the male gender. exceeding in people from 20 to 25 years old, the most common symptom was xerophthalmia, at the end a precautionary manual was made that will serve for optometrists and users, at the end it can be confirmed that there is ignorance of the excessive use of cell phones related to health sight in the population. La queratoconjuntivitis seca es una deshidratación crónica de la conjuntiva y la córnea de ambos ojos causada por una producción demasiado escasa de lágrimas o una evaporación acelerada. Los síntomas típicos incluyen prurito intermitente, ardor; una sensación de arenilla, desenfoque, tirantez o cuerpo extraño y fotosensibilidad. La investigación tuvo como objetivo Determinar si el uso prolongado de dispositivos móviles influye en la incidencia de queratoconjuntivitis seca, en pacientes de 20 a 30 años, en Salud visual opticas , Ciudad de Milagro, periodo junio- noviembre 2022, se usó una metodología cuali - cuantitativa (Mixta), la población y muestra de trabajó fue de 98 personas hombres y mujeres que asisten a salud visual opticas ,los desenlaces encontrados fueron que la queratoconjuntivitis seca predomina en el género masculino, en rangos de edades de 20 a 25 años, el síntomas más habitual es por xeroftalmia, el 98% de los pacientes no tienen idea sobre que es la queratoconjuntivitis seca, los usuarios piensan que puede reducir la repercusión de esta afección empleando moderadamente los dispositivos móviles. Se uso el test de Schirmer lo que posibilitó examinar el grado de queratoconjuntivitis seca que mostraron los usuarios siendo de seriedad media en el género masculino, excediendo en personas de 20 a 25 años, el síntoma más habitual fue por xeroftalmia, al concluir se hizo un manual de precaución que servirá para los optometristas y usuarios, al finalizar se puede consolidar que hay desconocimiento del uso excesivo de celulares relacionados a la salud visual en la población.