Miopía magna asociada a degeneración vítrea en paciente femenino de 25 años.
Mora Ruiz, Suanny Lisbeth
High myopia is a very common refractive error today and is one of the main causes of blindness in the world. The prevalence of myopia has increased in recent years, this increase in prevalence and ocular complications make the topic of high myopia become a public health issue and even of general interest. High myopia is not only a refractive error, it is a complex eye condition, the age of onset of myopia is also a crucial factor. Risk factors for the development of myopia are currently believed to be genetic and environmental. One of the risk factors that has more incidence in the appearance of high myopia is genetic, since having one or more myopic parents increases the risk of the development of high myopia. The main symptoms that the high myopic patient presents are: visual fatigue, migraine, difficulty seeing distant objects. Many patients who realize that they have myopia because they underwent visual examinations, but they do not give it importance and that is when other visual problems begin due to not seeing the myopia treated in time. Not treating high myopia leads to eye problems such as: cataracts, retinal degeneration, vitreous degeneration. When a patient presents vitreous degeneration, he complains that when observing he sees myodesopsias or also called floaters, which is an ocular phenomenon that appears as vitreous opacities. When carrying out this clinical case on high myopia associated with vitreous degeneration, it is to treat refractive and ocular problems that the patient presents and give her adequate treatment. High myopia is a very common refractive error today and is one of the main causes of blindness in the world. The prevalence of myopia has increased in recent years, this increase in prevalence and ocular complications make the topic of high myopia become a public health issue and even of general interest. High myopia is not only a refractive error, it is a complex eye condition, the age of onset of myopia is also a crucial factor. Risk factors for the development of myopia are currently believed to be genetic and environmental. One of the risk factors that has more incidence in the appearance of high myopia is genetic, since having one or more myopic parents increases the risk of the development of high myopia. The main symptoms that the high myopic patient presents are: visual fatigue, migraine, difficulty seeing distant objects. Many patients who realize that they have myopia because they underwent visual examinations, but they do not give it importance and that is when other visual problems begin due to not seeing the myopia treated in time. Not treating high myopia leads to eye problems such as: cataracts, retinal degeneration, vitreous degeneration. When a patient presents vitreous degeneration, he complains that when observing he sees myodesopsias or also called floaters, which is an ocular phenomenon that appears as vitreous opacities. When carrying out this clinical case on high myopia associated with vitreous degeneration, it is to treat refractive and ocular problems that the patient presents and give her adequate treatment. La miopía magna es un defecto refractivo muy frecuente hoy en día y es una de las principales causas de ceguera en el mundo. La prevalencia de la miopía ha aumentado en los últimos años este aumento de prevalencia y las complicaciones oculares hacen que el tema de la miopía magna se convierta en un tema de salud pública e incluso de interés general. La miopía magna no es solo un defecto refractivo, sino que es una condición ocular compleja, la edad de aparición de la miopía también es un factor crucial. Actualmente se cree que los factores de riesgo del desarrollo de la miopía son genéticos, y ambientales. Uno de los factores de riesgo que tiene más incidencia en la aparición de la miopía magna es el genético, Ya que tener uno o más padres miopes aumenta el riesgo del desarrollo de la miopía magna. Los principales síntomas que presenta el paciente miope alto son: fatiga visual, migraña, dificultad para ver los objetos lejanos. Muchos pacientes que se dan cuenta que tienen miopía por que se realizaron exámenes visuales, pero no le dan importancia y es allí cuando empiezan otros problemas visuales por no ver tratado la miopía a tiempo. No tratar la miopía magna conlleva a problemas oculares como son: cataratas, degeneración de retina, degeneración del vitreo. Cuando un paciente presenta degeneración vítrea se aqueja que al observar ve miodesopsias o también llamadas moscas volantes, que es un fenómeno ocular que se presenta como opacidades vítreas. Al realizar este caso clínico sobre la miopía magna asociada a degeneración vítrea, es para tratar los problemas refractivos y oculares que presente la paciente y darle un tratamiento adecuado.