Paciente masculino de 46 años con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.
Macías Mora, Lady Ruth
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a pulmonary pathology that consists of chronic inflammation that does not allow the normal flow of air through the lungs. Your biggest risk factor is cigarette smoking or frequent exposure to irritating gases. People with chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema are potential candidates for developing COPD. People usually have symptoms when lung damage is severe and increases over time, and even more so when in contact with cigarettes or irritating gases. Among the most common symptoms is energy dyspnea, and when it is more advanced, wheezing and elongated expirations are characteristic symptoms. The treatment of COPD must be carried out in a progressive and staggered manner and this is given according to the severity of the patient. The patient should be educated regarding prevention such as avoiding cigarette consumption, staying away from irritating, toxic, and harmful odors, as well as performing physical exercises to strengthen the lungs. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a pulmonary pathology that consists of chronic inflammation that does not allow the normal flow of air through the lungs. Your biggest risk factor is cigarette smoking or frequent exposure to irritating gases. People with chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema are potential candidates for developing COPD. People usually have symptoms when lung damage is severe and increases over time, and even more so when in contact with cigarettes or irritating gases. Among the most common symptoms is energy dyspnea, and when it is more advanced, wheezing and elongated expirations are characteristic symptoms. The treatment of COPD must be carried out in a progressive and staggered manner and this is given according to the severity of the patient. The patient should be educated regarding prevention such as avoiding cigarette consumption, staying away from irritating, toxic, and harmful odors, as well as performing physical exercises to strengthen the lungs. La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) es una patología pulmonar que consiste en una inflamación crónica que no permite el flujo normal de aire a través de los pulmones. Entre su mayor factor de riesgo está el consumo de cigarrillos o la exposición frecuente a gases irritantes. Las personas que sufren bronquitis crónica y enfisema pulmonar son potenciales candidatos a desarrollar una EPOC. Las personas suelen presentar síntomas cuando el daño pulmonar es grave y aumenta con el tiempo, y más aún cuando se está en contacto con el cigarrillo o gases irritantes. Entre los síntomas más comunes esta la disnea de energía, y cuando ya está más avanzada las sibilancias y espiraciones alargadas son síntomas característicos. El tratamiento de la EPOC se debe realizar de manera progresiva y escalonada y esta se da de acuerdo a la gravedad que presente el paciente. Se debe educar al paciente en cuanto a prevención como evitando el consumo de cigarrillos, alejarse de olores irritativos, tóxicos, y nocivos, así como realizar ejercicios físicos para fortalecer los pulmones.