Paciente masculino de 48 años de edad con neumonía nosocomial.
Mayorga Castillo, Juan Andrés
In-hospital or in-hospital pneumonia is considered to be the second largest nosocomial infection, occurring in 4 to 7 cases per 1,000 discharges. Due to their main morbidity and mortality, the pathogenic characteristics of the causative microorganisms are not the same as those of community-acquired pneumonia, hospital pneumonia, and pneumonia related to mechanical ventilation, which constitute a subgroup of respiratory infections within the respiratory system. . Since nosocomial pneumonia is considered one of the 10 most common causes of death in hospitalized patients, research on this topic is very important, so it is necessary to explain the factors and antecedents that affect nosocomial pneumonia infection and its factors risk for adult patients, Necessary precautions are to avoid many situations. The purpose of this work is to determine the factors and antecedents that influence nosocomial pneumonia infection in a 48-year-old patient. It is possible to demonstrate that the health of patients can be improved by combining diagnostic criteria and the correct process of medication and respiratory physiotherapy techniques. It should be noted that there is no measure to completely eradicate these respiratory infections, but there are a number of resources that can help us identify this disease, and a number of preventive measures can be taken to reduce the risk of contracting these diseases. In-hospital or in-hospital pneumonia is considered to be the second largest nosocomial infection, occurring in 4 to 7 cases per 1,000 discharges. Due to their main morbidity and mortality, the pathogenic characteristics of the causative microorganisms are not the same as those of community-acquired pneumonia, hospital pneumonia, and pneumonia related to mechanical ventilation, which constitute a subgroup of respiratory infections within the respiratory system. . Since nosocomial pneumonia is considered one of the 10 most common causes of death in hospitalized patients, research on this topic is very important, so it is necessary to explain the factors and antecedents that affect nosocomial pneumonia infection and its factors risk for adult patients, Necessary precautions are to avoid many situations. The purpose of this work is to determine the factors and antecedents that influence nosocomial pneumonia infection in a 48-year-old patient. It is possible to demonstrate that the health of patients can be improved by combining diagnostic criteria and the correct process of medication and respiratory physiotherapy techniques. It should be noted that there is no measure to completely eradicate these respiratory infections, but there are a number of resources that can help us identify this disease, and a number of preventive measures can be taken to reduce the risk of contracting these diseases. Se considera que la neumonía intrahospitalaria o intrahospitalaria es la segunda infección nosocomial más grande, que se presenta en 4 a 7 casos por cada mil altas. Por su principal morbilidad y mortalidad, las características patogénicas de los microorganismos causales no son iguales a las de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad, la neumonía hospitalaria y la neumonía relacionada con la ventilación mecánica, que constituyen un subgrupo de infecciones respiratorias dentro del aparato respiratorio. Dado que la neumonía nosocomial es considerada una de las 10 causas más comunes de muerte en pacientes hospitalizados, la investigación sobre este tema es muy importante, por lo que es necesario explicar los factores y antecedentes que afectan a la infección por neumonía nosocomial y sus factores de riesgo para Pacientes adultos, Las precauciones necesarias son evitar muchas situaciones. El propósito de este trabajo es determinar los factores y antecedentes que inciden en la infección por neumonía nosocomial a en un paciente de 48 años. Es posible demostrar que la salud de los pacientes puede mejorarse combinando criterios diagnósticos y el correcto proceso de medicación y técnicas de fisioterapia respiratoria. Cabe señalar que no existe ninguna medida para erradicar por completo estas infecciones respiratorias, pero hay una serie de recursos que pueden ayudarnos a identificar esta enfermedad, y se pueden tomar una serie de medidas preventivas para reducir el riesgo de contraer estas enfermedades.