Análisis e interpretación de la importancia de la heterosis en especies vegetales
Solis Caicedo, Rosa Birmania
Vegetable production basically depends on the genetic characteristics, the interaction of these with the environmental environment and with the agronomic practices carried out, the narrow genetic base of many of the cultivated species influences the increase of said variability and therefore the generation of new planting alternatives. Ignorance and lack of analysis of genetic parameters such as heterosis cause not being able to exploit the benefits provided by a correct genetic recombination.Agriculture is a necessary and millenary industry that underwent great changes in the 20th century, one of which was the introduction on the market of F1 hybrid seeds, which farmers buy every year instead of using those obtained in one of their own previous harvests. Commercial F1 hybrid seeds yield plants that show hybrid vigor, a phenomenon of great economic relevance.The methodology used to carry out this work was carried out based on: the reading, analysis, synthesis and exploration of various bibliographic sources such as: books, graduate theses, journals, scientific articles and web pages. The purpose of gathering information is to analyze and interpret the importance of the analysis of heterosis in plant species, with a view to understanding genetic recombination in the different generations of the processes of obtaining new varieties or plant hybrids, using the traditional method of crosses or hybridization. For the above detailed it is determined that in a plant genetic improvement program it is necessary to use genetically contrasting progenitors or genotypes, Heterosis can be defined as the increase in vigor, size, productivity, development speed, resistance to diseases, insect pests, climatic rigors of any kind; manifested by hybrid organisms, with respect to their corresponding endogamous progenitors. Vegetable production basically depends on the genetic characteristics, the interaction of these with the environmental environment and with the agronomic practices carried out, the narrow genetic base of many of the cultivated species influences the increase of said variability and therefore the generation of new planting alternatives. Ignorance and lack of analysis of genetic parameters such as heterosis cause not being able to exploit the benefits provided by a correct genetic recombination.Agriculture is a necessary and millenary industry that underwent great changes in the 20th century, one of which was the introduction on the market of F1 hybrid seeds, which farmers buy every year instead of using those obtained in one of their own previous harvests. Commercial F1 hybrid seeds yield plants that show hybrid vigor, a phenomenon of great economic relevance.The methodology used to carry out this work was carried out based on: the reading, analysis, synthesis and exploration of various bibliographic sources such as: books, graduate theses, journals, scientific articles and web pages. The purpose of gathering information is to analyze and interpret the importance of the analysis of heterosis in plant species, with a view to understanding genetic recombination in the different generations of the processes of obtaining new varieties or plant hybrids, using the traditional method of crosses or hybridization. For the above detailed it is determined that in a plant genetic improvement program it is necessary to use genetically contrasting progenitors or genotypes, Heterosis can be defined as the increase in vigor, size, productivity, development speed, resistance to diseases, insect pests, climatic rigors of any kind; manifested by hybrid organisms, with respect to their corresponding endogamous progenitors. La producción de vegetales depende básicamente de las características genéticas, la interacción de estas con el entorno ambiental y con las prácticas agronómicas realizadas, la estrecha base genética de muchas de las especies cultivadas influye en el incremento de dicha variabilidad y por ende en la generación de nuevas alternativas de siembra. El desconocimiento y la falta de análisis de parámetros genéticos como la heterosis provocan no poder explotar las bondades que brinda una recombinación genética correcta. La agricultura es una industria necesaria y milenaria que experimentó en el siglo XX grandes cambios, uno de los cuales fue la introducción en el mercado de las semillas híbridas F1, que los agricultores compran cada año en lugar de usar las obtenidas en una de sus propias cosechas anteriores. Las semillas híbridas F1 comerciales rinden plantas que manifiestan vigor híbrido, un fenómeno de gran relevancia económica. La metodología que se utilizó para realizar este trabajo fue realizada en función de: la lectura, análisis, síntesis y la exploración de diversas fuentes bibliográficas tales como: libros, tesis de grado, revistas, artículos científicos y páginas web. La recopilación de información tiene como propósito el analizar e interpretar la importancia del análisis de la heterosis en especie vegetales, con miras de entender la recombinación genética en las diferentes generaciones de los procesos de obtención de nuevas variedades o híbridos vegetales, realizando el método tradicional de cruzamientos o hibridación. Por lo anteriormente detallado se determina que en un programa de mejoramiento genético vegetal es necesario utilizar progenitores o genotipos genéticamente contrastantes, los cuales pueden dar lugar a combinaciones hibridas con excelentes valores heteróticos. La heterosis puede definirse como el incremento en vigor, tamaño, productividad, velocidad del desarrollo, resistencia a enfermedades, insectos plagas, rigores climáticos de cualquier clase; manifestados por los organismos híbridos, con respecto a sus correspondientes progenitores endogámicos.