Gestión de recursos humanos de la Microempresa Boulevard
Medina Ricachi, Anthony Frank
The management processes of a company are of paramount importance for the development and commercial growth, that is why large companies every day implement better techniques and tactics that help them to have better control of their employees and that they have optimal performance, For this reason, this case study is based on the Boulevard Liquor Store.
La Licorería Boulevard Liquor Store is a micro-company dedicated to the sale and marketing of alcoholic beverages such as beers, whiskeys, vodka, rum, tequila, wines, among others; which is located in the community of Mata de Cacao, belonging to the Febres Cordero parish of the Babahoyo canton, Los Ríos Province, of which it consists of departments such as administrative, warehouse, human resources, of which in the latter there are will analyze the processes of its functionality.
The management processes of the Human Resources department begin, knowing the employees that make it up and which are the new employees who come to fulfill a job, knowing what their functions and their assigned tasks should be, so it is necessary to adapt a correct selection procedure and after having identified each of the needs to be covered in the company.
This case study analyzes the management processes of the Human Resources department of the Boulevard Liquor Store Microenterprise, therefore, analyze if it contains training workshop programs for employees in each of the areas, and determine the degree of satisfaction that each of them has acquired with the passing of the months of work, the objective is to analyze the management process of the human resources department carried out by the Boulevard microenterprise, which they incur in carrying out each of their efforts in addition to determine the management development that is carried out in the Boulevard microenterprise and identify the succession of the management of the human resources department carried out by the Boulevard Liquor Store, for which it is handled in the line of investigation corresponding to "Financial, Administrative, Tax, Audit and Control ”while the sub-line with which“ company and public and private institutions ”are related. The management processes of a company are of paramount importance for the development and commercial growth, that is why large companies every day implement better techniques and tactics that help them to have better control of their employees and that they have optimal performance, For this reason, this case study is based on the Boulevard Liquor Store.
La Licorería Boulevard Liquor Store is a micro-company dedicated to the sale and marketing of alcoholic beverages such as beers, whiskeys, vodka, rum, tequila, wines, among others; which is located in the community of Mata de Cacao, belonging to the Febres Cordero parish of the Babahoyo canton, Los Ríos Province, of which it consists of departments such as administrative, warehouse, human resources, of which in the latter there are will analyze the processes of its functionality.
The management processes of the Human Resources department begin, knowing the employees that make it up and which are the new employees who come to fulfill a job, knowing what their functions and their assigned tasks should be, so it is necessary to adapt a correct selection procedure and after having identified each of the needs to be covered in the company.
This case study analyzes the management processes of the Human Resources department of the Boulevard Liquor Store Microenterprise, therefore, analyze if it contains training workshop programs for employees in each of the areas, and determine the degree of satisfaction that each of them has acquired with the passing of the months of work, the objective is to analyze the management process of the human resources department carried out by the Boulevard microenterprise, which they incur in carrying out each of their efforts in addition to determine the management development that is carried out in the Boulevard microenterprise and identify the succession of the management of the human resources department carried out by the Boulevard Liquor Store, for which it is handled in the line of investigation corresponding to "Financial, Administrative, Tax, Audit and Control ”while the sub-line with which“ company and public and private institutions ”are related. Los procesos de gestión de una empresa son de primordial importancia para el desarrollo y crecimiento comercial, es por eso que las grandes empresas cada día implemento mejores técnicas y tácticas que le ayudan a tener un mejor control de sus empleados y que tengan un desempeño optimo, por tal motivo el presente estudio de caso se basa en la Licorería Boulevard.
La Licorería Boulevard Liquor Store es una microempresa que se dedica a la venta y comercialización de bebidas alcohólicas como cervezas, whiskys, vodka, ron, tequila, vinos, entre otros; la cual se encuentra ubicada en la comunidad de Mata de Cacao, perteneciente a la parroquia Febres Cordero del cantón Babahoyo, Provincia de los Ríos, de los cuales consta con departamentos como administrativo, de almacén, recursos humanos, de lo cual en este último se analizara los procesos de su funcionalidad.
Los procesos de gestión del departamento de Recursos Humanos empiezan, conociendo a los empleados que lo conforman y cuáles son los nuevos empleados que llegan a cumplir una plaza de trabajo, sabiendo cuales deberían ser sus funciones y sus tareas encomendadas, por lo que es necesario adaptar un correcto procedimiento de selección y luego de ya tener identificadas cada una de las necesidades que se desean cubrir en la empresa.
El presente estudio de caso se analiza los procesos de gestión del departamento de Recursos Humanos de la Microempresa Boulevard Liquor Store, por lo que analice si contiene programas de talleres de capacitación para los empleados de cada una de las áreas, y determinar el grado de satisfacción que cada uno de ellos ha adquirido con el pasar de los meses de trabajo, se tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de gestión del departamento de recursos humanos que realiza la microempresa Boulevard, que estos incurran a la realización de cada uno de sus gestiones además de determinar el desarrollo de gestión que se realiza en la microempresa Boulevard e identificar la sucesión de la gestión del departamento de recursos humanos realizados por la Licorería Boulevard, por lo que se maneja en la línea de investigación correspondiente a “Gestión Financiera, Administrativa, Tributaria, Auditoría y Control” mientras que la sublínea con la que se relaciona “empresa e instituciones pública y privada”.