Intervención del terapista respiratorio en paciente femenino de 66 años con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda asociada a covid-19.
Carbo Icaza, Karen Michel
Acute respiratory failure (ARI) is the inability of the respiratory organs to perform their main function, that is, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the surrounding air and the circulating blood, which must be carried out efficiently and sufficiently according to the metabolic factor. to the needs of the body, taking into account the age of the patient. This study is based on the intervention of the respiratory therapist in a 66-year-old female patient with acute respiratory failure associated with Covid-19. Carrying out this research work is justified since today, despite the existence of immunization vaccines to avoid complications in the health status of patients who contract this respiratory pathology, Covid-19 continues to be a serious health problem. Correct clinical evaluation and further investigation of the signs and symptoms presented by these patients will greatly contribute to the accurate diagnosis of patients suspected of having this pathology. The intervention of a respiratory therapist plays an important role in the treatment of patients with this disease, since the administration of oxygen therapy is very important for the recovery of these patients. Proper management of these patients with adequate pharmacological therapies and respiratory therapy techniques will help us to improve their clinical picture. Acute respiratory failure (ARI) is the inability of the respiratory organs to perform their main function, that is, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the surrounding air and the circulating blood, which must be carried out efficiently and sufficiently according to the metabolic factor. to the needs of the body, taking into account the age of the patient. This study is based on the intervention of the respiratory therapist in a 66-year-old female patient with acute respiratory failure associated with Covid-19. Carrying out this research work is justified since today, despite the existence of immunization vaccines to avoid complications in the health status of patients who contract this respiratory pathology, Covid-19 continues to be a serious health problem. Correct clinical evaluation and further investigation of the signs and symptoms presented by these patients will greatly contribute to the accurate diagnosis of patients suspected of having this pathology. The intervention of a respiratory therapist plays an important role in the treatment of patients with this disease, since the administration of oxygen therapy is very important for the recovery of these patients. Proper management of these patients with adequate pharmacological therapies and respiratory therapy techniques will help us to improve their clinical picture. La insuficiencia respiratoria aguda (IRA) es la incapacidad de los órganos respiratorios para realizar su función principal, es decir, el intercambio de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono entre el aire circundante y la sangre circulante, que debe realizarse de manera eficaz y suficiente según el factor metabólico. a las necesidades del cuerpo, teniendo en cuenta la edad del paciente. Este estudio se fundamenta en la intervención del terapista respiratorio en paciente femenino de 66 años de edad con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda asociada a Covid-19, se justifica la realización de este trabajo de investigación puesto que hoy en día pese a existir vacunas de inmunización para evitar complicaciones en el estado de salud de los pacientes que contraigan dicha patología respiratoria, el Covid-19 sigue siendo un grave problema de salud. Una correcta evaluación clínica y una mayor investigación de los signos y síntomas que presentan estos pacientes contribuirá en gran medida al diagnóstico certero de los pacientes con sospecha de esta patología. La intervención de un terapeuta respiratorio juega un papel importante en el tratamiento de los pacientes con esta enfermedad, ya que la administración de oxigenoterapia es muy importante para la recuperación de estos pacientes. El manejo adecuado de estos pacientes con terapias farmacológicas adecuadas y técnicas de terapias respiratorias nos ayudarán a mejorar su cuadro clínico.