Bronquitis crónica en paciente de sexo masculino de 47 años de edad.
Arana Veloz, Luis Alberto
Chronic bronchitis is a pathology whose main characteristic is in the presence of a productive cough which has an estimated duration of more than 3 months, inflammation of the respiratory tract occurs specifically in the bronchi where its lumen is occupied by secretions. This case focuses on a 47-year-old male patient who had a productive cough 3 months ago and had previously presented symptoms of acute bronchitis. The objective was to identify the action of respiratory therapy in a female patient with chronic bronchitis. In conclusion, we have that the role of the professional in respiratory therapy in the management of this pathology consists of identifying the correct oxygen support if the patient needs it, as well as choosing bronchodilator therapy and inhaled glucocorticoids, taking into account their adverse effects. In addition to providing pulmonary physiotherapy to help rapidly improve respiratory distress due to excess secretions. Chronic bronchitis is a pathology whose main characteristic is in the presence of a productive cough which has an estimated duration of more than 3 months, inflammation of the respiratory tract occurs specifically in the bronchi where its lumen is occupied by secretions. This case focuses on a 47-year-old male patient who had a productive cough 3 months ago and had previously presented symptoms of acute bronchitis. The objective was to identify the action of respiratory therapy in a female patient with chronic bronchitis. In conclusion, we have that the role of the professional in respiratory therapy in the management of this pathology consists of identifying the correct oxygen support if the patient needs it, as well as choosing bronchodilator therapy and inhaled glucocorticoids, taking into account their adverse effects. In addition to providing pulmonary physiotherapy to help rapidly improve respiratory distress due to excess secretions. La bronquitis crónica es una patología cuya característica principal es a presencia de una tos productiva la cual tiene una duración estimada de más de 3 meses, se produce una inflamación de la vía respiratoria específicamente en los bronquios donde su luz está ocupada por secreciones. Este caso se centra en un paciente masculino de 47 años de edad el mismo que hace 3 meses tiene tos productiva y anteriormente ha presentado cuadro de bronquitis aguda. Como objetivo se planteó identificar el accionar de terapia respiratoria en paciente femenino con bronquitis crónica. Como conclusión tenemos que el rol del profesional en terapia respiratorio en el manejo de esta patología consiste en identificar el correcto soporte oxigenatorio si el paciente llegara a necesitarlo, así como elegir la terapia broncodilatadora y de glucocorticoides inhalados, teniendo en cuenta sus efectos adversos. Además de suministrar fisioterapia pulmonar para ayudar a la rápida mejoría de la dificultad respiratoria por exceso de secreciones.