Efectos del amoníaco (nh3) sobre la salud y el rendimiento productivo en pollos de engorde
Cuesta Salazar, Ruth Betsabe
In poultry production, one of the problems that most affects the health of birds is ammonia, each house is a microenvironment that generates heat, humidity, volatile particles and also some gases, the main one being Nh3. we have ammonia for birds; irritation of the eyes (conjunctivitis), the respiratory tract, claws and the affection of the plantar pad (pododermatitis). (The Effects Of Ammonia In Poultry Production | Agricultural News, nd). In Ecuador the load of ammonia in Poultry farms have been a challenge for poultry farmers, causing in recent years various problems in the productivity of chickens, as well as in health, causing enormous losses and economic damage. The objective of the research was to verify the damage and effects that ammonia does in broilers. Mention was made of feasible alternatives for better production and health care for chickens, against ammonia, avoiding economic and productive problems. The information collection was carried out between the months of March and April 2021, the methods used were based on response analysis, which helped to collect information through works, magazines, websites, theses, books. In poultry production, one of the problems that most affects the health of birds is ammonia, each house is a microenvironment that generates heat, humidity, volatile particles and also some gases, the main one being Nh3. we have ammonia for birds; irritation of the eyes (conjunctivitis), the respiratory tract, claws and the affection of the plantar pad (pododermatitis). (The Effects Of Ammonia In Poultry Production | Agricultural News, nd). In Ecuador the load of ammonia in Poultry farms have been a challenge for poultry farmers, causing in recent years various problems in the productivity of chickens, as well as in health, causing enormous losses and economic damage. The objective of the research was to verify the damage and effects that ammonia does in broilers. Mention was made of feasible alternatives for better production and health care for chickens, against ammonia, avoiding economic and productive problems. The information collection was carried out between the months of March and April 2021, the methods used were based on response analysis, which helped to collect information through works, magazines, websites, theses, books. En la producción avícola uno de los problemas que más afecta la salud de las aves es el amoniaco, cada galpón es un microambiente que genera calor, humedad, partículas volátiles y también algunos gases, siendo el principal el Nh3.Dentro de las alteraciones que provoca el amoniaco a las aves tenemos; la irritación de los ojos (conjuntivitis), el tracto respiratorio, las garras y la afección de la almohadilla plantar (pododermatitis).(Los Efectos Del Amoníaco En La Producción Avícola | Noticias Agropecuarias, n.d.)
En el Ecuador la carga de amoniaco en las granjas avícolas ha sido un reto en los avicultores, ocasionando en los últimos años diversos problemas en la productividad de los pollos, así como en la salud, produciendo enormes pérdidas y daños económicos. El objetivo de la investigación fue constatar los daños y efectos que el amoniaco hace en los pollos de engorde. Se hizo mención de alternativas factibles para una mejor producción y cuidado en la salud de los pollos, frente al amoniaco evitando problemas económicos y productivos. La recolección de información se realizó entre los meses de marzo y abril del 2021, los métodos utilizados se fundamentaron en análisis de respuesta, los cuales ayudaron a la recolección de información mediante trabajos, revistas, sitios web, tesis, libros.