Paciente femenino de 45 años con diagnóstico de bronquitis aguda.
Gómez Jiménez, Cruz Betzabeth
Bronchitis is an inflammation in the breathing tubes or tubes, with mucus and other changes. There are several kinds of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes. It is usually caused by a virus. Its diagnosis is generally given by spirometry, also through questions asked by the doctor, as well as different tests are some diagnostic methods. Chronic bronchitis for its part is a prolonged condition, its characteristic symptom is a cough with mucus lasting 3 or more months. The main symptom of acute bronchitis is a dry cough that eventually presents mucus, fever, exhaustion, in most cases in 2 to 3 weeks the symptoms disappear. Bronchitis is an inflammation in the breathing tubes or tubes, with mucus and other changes. There are several kinds of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes. It is usually caused by a virus. Its diagnosis is generally given by spirometry, also through questions asked by the doctor, as well as different tests are some diagnostic methods. Chronic bronchitis for its part is a prolonged condition, its characteristic symptom is a cough with mucus lasting 3 or more months. The main symptom of acute bronchitis is a dry cough that eventually presents mucus, fever, exhaustion, in most cases in 2 to 3 weeks the symptoms disappear. La bronquitis es una inflamación en los tubos o conductos respiratorios, con mucosidad y otros cambios. Hay varias clases de bronquitis: aguda y crónica. La bronquitis aguda es la inflamación de las membranas mucosas de los tubos bronquiales. Generalmente es causada por un virus. Su diagnóstico generalmente se da mediante espirometria, también a través de preguntas realizadas por el médico, así como diferentes exámenes son algunos métodos de diagnósticos. La bronquitis crónica por su parte es una afección prolongada, su síntoma característico es tos con moco de una duración de 3 o mas meses. El síntoma principal de la bronquitis aguda es la tos seca que a la larga presenta mucosidad, fiebre, agotamiento, en la mayoría de los casos en 2 a 3 semanas desaparecen los síntomas.