Conducta obstétrica en paciente primigesta de 18 años con 30 semanas de gestación más diabetes gestacional.
Pazmiño Saltos Danna Alejandra
To establish the Obstetrical Conduct in an 18-year-old prim gestational patient with 30 weeks of gestation plus gestational diabetes. Blood biometry, blood chemistry and insulin, general urine test were performed. Fetal well-being was evaluated based on maternal perception, ultrasound visualization of fetal movements, fetal growth, evaluation of amniotic fluid volume and fetal umbilical artery blood flow resistance, evaluated by color Doppler. The fetus reported an estimated weight of 5500gr which contraindicated a vaginal delivery and elective cesarean section was chosen at 38 weeks of gestation to have a perfect state between mother and child since at 30 weeks of gestation she had a weight of 3450gr compatible with macrosomic fetus so obstetric surveillance and recording of maternal glycemia levels were performed to make timely decisions. On admission to her cesarean section, she presented normal glycemia values, alert state of consciousness, a macrosomic product with adequate Apgar was obtained and she was born without any novelty, her normal glycemia values were normal and she did not contract her mother's disease. A glycemia test was performed on the mother and the newborn and subsequent controls were suggested for opportune detection of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the mother and Infantile Diabetes in the newborn. To establish the Obstetrical Conduct in an 18-year-old prim gestational patient with 30 weeks of gestation plus gestational diabetes. Blood biometry, blood chemistry and insulin, general urine test were performed. Fetal well-being was evaluated based on maternal perception, ultrasound visualization of fetal movements, fetal growth, evaluation of amniotic fluid volume and fetal umbilical artery blood flow resistance, evaluated by color Doppler. The fetus reported an estimated weight of 5500gr which contraindicated a vaginal delivery and elective cesarean section was chosen at 38 weeks of gestation to have a perfect state between mother and child since at 30 weeks of gestation she had a weight of 3450gr compatible with macrosomic fetus so obstetric surveillance and recording of maternal glycemia levels were performed to make timely decisions. On admission to her cesarean section, she presented normal glycemia values, alert state of consciousness, a macrosomic product with adequate Apgar was obtained and she was born without any novelty, her normal glycemia values were normal and she did not contract her mother's disease. A glycemia test was performed on the mother and the newborn and subsequent controls were suggested for opportune detection of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the mother and Infantile Diabetes in the newborn. Establecer la Conducta Obstétrica en paciente primigesta de 18 años con 30 semanas de gestación más diabetes gestacional. Se realizo biometría hemática, química sanguínea e insulina, examen general de orina. El bienestar fetal fue evaluado en base a percepción materna, visualización ecográfica de movimientos fetales, crecimiento fetal, evaluación del volumen de líquido amniótico y resistencia del flujo sanguíneo de arteria umbilical fetal, evaluada mediante la aplicación de Doppler color. El feto reporto un peso estimado de 5500gr lo que contraindico un parto vaginal y se optó por cesárea electiva a sus 38 semanas de gestación para tener un estado perfecto entre la madre e hijo ya que a sus 30 semanas de gestación tenía un peso de 3450gr compatible con feto macrosómico por eso se realizó vigilancia obstétrica y registro de los niveles de glicemia materna para tomar decisiones oportunas. Al ingreso a su cesárea presenta valores normales de glicemia, estado de conciencia alerta, se obtuvo un producto macrosómico un Apgar adecuado y nació sin ninguna novedad sus valores normales de glicemia normal no contrae la enfermedad de su madre se realizó test de glicemia a la madre y al neonato se sugiere controles posteriores para detección oportuna de Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 en la madre y Diabetes Infantil en el neonato.