Estudio de la aplicación de estándares en el cableado estructurado del Gad del cantón Urdaneta.
Bohorquez Herrera, Marcos Joan
The Decentralized Autonomous Government Cantón Urdaneta is a sectional government entity in charge of the administration of the canton autonomously, its purpose is to support development actions which stimulate projects that ensure the social, economic and environmental development of the population, made up of the mayor, cantonal council, as well as different municipal directorates. The present case study tries to verify the application of standards in structured cabling for its correct use and operation, currently sometimes there are problems of congestion in the wireless network, in the office of secretary and human talent there is a bad laying of wiring network and the room where the communications rack is located does not have a voltage regulator, nor adequate protection to prevent any interference. Nowadays, companies and public and / or private institutions have a large amount of information that is handled within it, therefore it is necessary to have a good communication system and a good network infrastructure which keeps said information safe. information and there are no failures or interferences in the communications network, one of the main pieces in the technological infrastructure of any entity is structured cabling, which guarantees the connection, reliability and quality of communications, internet access and applications used in the business network. The Decentralized Autonomous Government Cantón Urdaneta is a sectional government entity in charge of the administration of the canton autonomously, its purpose is to support development actions which stimulate projects that ensure the social, economic and environmental development of the population, made up of the mayor, cantonal council, as well as different municipal directorates. The present case study tries to verify the application of standards in structured cabling for its correct use and operation, currently sometimes there are problems of congestion in the wireless network, in the office of secretary and human talent there is a bad laying of wiring network and the room where the communications rack is located does not have a voltage regulator, nor adequate protection to prevent any interference. Nowadays, companies and public and / or private institutions have a large amount of information that is handled within it, therefore it is necessary to have a good communication system and a good network infrastructure which keeps said information safe. information and there are no failures or interferences in the communications network, one of the main pieces in the technological infrastructure of any entity is structured cabling, which guarantees the connection, reliability and quality of communications, internet access and applications used in the business network. El Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Cantón Urdaneta es una entidad de gobierno seccional encargado de la administración del cantón de forma autónoma, tiene como propósito sostener las acciones de desarrollo las cuales dinamizan proyectos que aseguran el desarrollo social, económico y ambiental de la población, conformado por el alcalde, concejo cantonal, además de diferentes direcciones municipales. El presente caso de estudio trata de verificar la aplicación de estándares en el cableado estructurado para su correcto uso y funcionamiento, actualmente en ocasiones se presentan problemas de congestiones en la red inalámbrica, en la oficina de secretaria y talento humano existe un mal tendido del cableado de red y el cuarto donde está situado el rack de comunicaciones no cuenta con un regulador de voltaje, ni con la protección adecuada que evite cualquier interferencia. Hoy en día las empresas e instituciones públicas y/o privadas cuentan con una gran cantidad de información que se maneja dentro de la misma, por ello es necesario contar con un buen sistema de comunicación y con una buena infraestructura de red la cual mantenga segura dicha información y no existan fallos o interferencias en la red de comunicaciones, una de las piezas principales en la infraestructura tecnológica de cualquier entidad es el cableado estructurado el mismo que garantiza la conexión, fiabilidad y calidad de las comunicaciones, acceso a internet y aplicaciones utilizadas en la red empresarial.