Creación de una granja avícola en la Parroquia Caracol
The present project of the mini chicken poultry farm is a strategic plan for the supply of chicken, this project will carry out its constitution in 2020 in the Caracol parish, a sector where the supply of chicken is insufficient for the population This project focuses on the sector to enter the market as its first mini-poultry farm, the POLLON mini-poultry farm will have an approximate of 5 employees who will take care of all the necessary steps for proper operation.
This project has the feasibility of a greater amount of income due to the fact that the product that we offer is one of the most consumed nationwide after pork, on the other hand, the association with the stores, dining rooms and grills of the sector They will benefit to make a greater amount of sales of our product, to publicize our product we will focus on door-to-door advertising with the businesses in the sector, to carry out this project we will need an initial investment of $ 11,161.50 and thanks to this investment our earnings will be for each additional $ 5, 15 dollar invested and we must bear in mind that this will allow us to recover our investment in approximately 1 year 9 months and 9 days.
Keep in mind that the personnel who will be in charge of the maintenance and management of the mini poultry farm will be chosen by selection, who must have the basic knowledge associated with raising broilers and maintaining the farm. This requirement will be exclusively for the shed, the person in charge of maintaining the farm's infrastructure, must have the necessary knowledge of mechanical electricity and welding, among other skills necessary to carry out the various services position; the general manager is the person who must know all the handling of the accounts and the purchase and sale of the company soon and the administrator is the person in charge of keeping a record of all activities of the company and in the legal field of its operation. The present project of the mini chicken poultry farm is a strategic plan for the supply of chicken, this project will carry out its constitution in 2020 in the Caracol parish, a sector where the supply of chicken is insufficient for the population This project focuses on the sector to enter the market as its first mini-poultry farm, the POLLON mini-poultry farm will have an approximate of 5 employees who will take care of all the necessary steps for proper operation.
This project has the feasibility of a greater amount of income due to the fact that the product that we offer is one of the most consumed nationwide after pork, on the other hand, the association with the stores, dining rooms and grills of the sector They will benefit to make a greater amount of sales of our product, to publicize our product we will focus on door-to-door advertising with the businesses in the sector, to carry out this project we will need an initial investment of $ 11,161.50 and thanks to this investment our earnings will be for each additional $ 5, 15 dollar invested and we must bear in mind that this will allow us to recover our investment in approximately 1 year 9 months and 9 days.
Keep in mind that the personnel who will be in charge of the maintenance and management of the mini poultry farm will be chosen by selection, who must have the basic knowledge associated with raising broilers and maintaining the farm. This requirement will be exclusively for the shed, the person in charge of maintaining the farm's infrastructure, must have the necessary knowledge of mechanical electricity and welding, among other skills necessary to carry out the various services position; the general manager is the person who must know all the handling of the accounts and the purchase and sale of the company soon and the administrator is the person in charge of keeping a record of all activities of the company and in the legal field of its operation. El presente proyecto de emprendimiento de la mini granja avícola el pollon es un plan estratégico para el abastecimiento de pollo, el presente proyecto llevara a cabo su constitución en el año 2020 en la parroquia Caracol, sector donde el abastecimiento de pollo es insuficiente para la población, este proyecto se concentra en el sector para insertarse en el mercado como la primera mini granja avícola del mismo, la mini granja avícola el pollon constara con un aproximado de 5 empleados los cuales se encargaran de todas las gestiones necesarias para un correcto funcionamiento.
Este proyecto tiene la factibilidad de una mayor cantidad de ingresos debido a que el producto que ofertamos es uno de los más consumidos a nivel nacional después de la carne de cerdo, por otro lado, la asociación con las tiendas, comedores y asaderos del sector nos beneficiaran para realizar una mayor cantidad de ventas de nuestro producto, para dar a conocer nuestro producto nos enfocaremos en la publicidad puerta a puerta con los negocios del sector, para poder llevar a cabo este proyecto necesitaremos una inversión inicial de $11.161,50 y gracias a esta inversión nuestra ganancias serán por cada dólar invertido $5.,15 adicionales y debemos tener en cuenta que esto nos permitirá recuperar nuestra inversión en aproximadamente 1 año 9 meses y 9 días.
Hay que tener en cuenta que el personal que estará cargo del mantenimiento y manejo de la mini granja avícola serán escogidos por selección los cuales deberán tener el conocimiento básico asociado a la crianza de pollos de engorde y al mantenimiento de la granja este requisito será exclusivo para el galponero, la persona a que se encargara del mantenimiento de la infraestructura de la granja deberá tener conocimientos necesarios de electricidad mecánica y soldadura entre otras capacidades necesarias para desempeñar el cargo de servicios varios el gerente general es la persona que deberá conocer todo el manejo de las cuentas y de la compra y venta del pronto de la empresa y el administrador es la persona que se encargara de tener en constancia todas actividades de la empresa y en el ámbito de legal de su funcionamiento.