Principales métodos de control fitosanitario para el hongo Alternaria Alternata en los cultivos de cítricos en el Ecuador
Torres Villavicencio, Luis Alfredo
This document details relevant information on the main methods of phytosanitary control for the fungus Alternaria Alternata in citrus crops in Ecuador. The pathogen Alternaria Alternata causes the plant to weaken due to physical and physiological stress, resulting in decreased activity, loss of water and loss of nutrients. In addition, it was determined that Alternaria Alternata is a fungus found in many plants, fruits, and other media, including foods, oils, and textiles; The symptoms of this disease are characterized by the appearance of brown lesions of various sizes, mainly on fragile branches and young fruits, although both leaves and mature fruits are severely affected. On the leaves, the symptoms appear as dark brown spots surrounded by a yellow halo and the control that is currently carried out on the disease is through chemical treatment with fungicides, Mancozeb and copper compounds being the most used, when they occur. the optimal conditions for the development of the fungus, although there is a limitation for the use of copper at 6 Kg/ha per year. Preventive tasks can be carried out to avoid damages and losses in citrus crops, apply for Alternaria Alternata in citrus crops in Ecuador mancozeb, iprodione and chlorothalonil as chemical products and generate research that allows obtaining favorable results with the use of fungicides. proposed. This document details relevant information on the main methods of phytosanitary control for the fungus Alternaria Alternata in citrus crops in Ecuador. The pathogen Alternaria Alternata causes the plant to weaken due to physical and physiological stress, resulting in decreased activity, loss of water and loss of nutrients. In addition, it was determined that Alternaria Alternata is a fungus found in many plants, fruits, and other media, including foods, oils, and textiles; The symptoms of this disease are characterized by the appearance of brown lesions of various sizes, mainly on fragile branches and young fruits, although both leaves and mature fruits are severely affected. On the leaves, the symptoms appear as dark brown spots surrounded by a yellow halo and the control that is currently carried out on the disease is through chemical treatment with fungicides, Mancozeb and copper compounds being the most used, when they occur. the optimal conditions for the development of the fungus, although there is a limitation for the use of copper at 6 Kg/ha per year. Preventive tasks can be carried out to avoid damages and losses in citrus crops, apply for Alternaria Alternata in citrus crops in Ecuador mancozeb, iprodione and chlorothalonil as chemical products and generate research that allows obtaining favorable results with the use of fungicides. proposed. El presente documento detallo información relevante sobre los principales métodos de control fitosanitario para el hongo Alternaria Alternata en los cultivos de cítricos en el Ecuador. El patógeno Alternaria Alternata hace que la planta se debilite debido al estrés físico y fisiológico, lo que resulta en una disminución de la actividad, pérdida de agua y pérdida de nutrientes. Además se determinó que Alternaria Alternata es un hongo que se encuentra en muchas plantas, frutas y otros medios, incluidos alimentos, aceites y textiles; los síntomas de esta enfermedad se caracterizan por la aparición de lesiones marrones de varios tamaños, principalmente en < frágiles y frutos jóvenes, aunque se afectan severamente tanto las hojas como los frutos maduros. En las hojas, los síntomas aparecen como manchas de color marrón oscuro rodeadas por un halo amarillo y el control que se realiza sobre la enfermedad en la actualidad es mediante tratamiento químico con fungicidas, siendo el Mancozeb y compuestos cúpricos los más utilizados, cuando se dan las condiciones óptimas para el desarrollo del hongo, aunque existe una limitación para el uso del cobre a 6 Kg/ha anuales. Se puede realizar labores preventivas para evitar daños y pérdidas en el cultivo de cítricos, aplicar para Alternaria Alternata en los cultivos de cítricos en el Ecuador mancozeb, iprodione y clorotalonil como productos químicos y generar investigaciones que permitan obtener resultados favorables con el uso de los fungicidas propuestos