Uso de un esteroide anabolico (Laurato de nandrolona) en la etapa de finalización en porcinos de engorde
Meza Moreira, Yesselia Hellen
A documentary research was carried out with the objective of generating information on the use of Nandrolona Laurate in the finishing stage in fattening pigs. The Qualitative and Exploratory method will be used in a database with indexed journals, information obtained from DSpace of the universities, bibliographies of academic Google and scientific articles. This bibliographical research allowed to demonstrate that positive effects in the use of the anabolic steroid Laurato de Nandrolona in doses of 1 mg/ Kg. of live weight, with intervals of 30 days, reaching a total of 4 applications during the 120 days in the finishing stage. in fattening pigs they achieve good results in terms of final weight, weight gain being 111.23 and 48.00 Kg. In the same way, the best Feed Conversion with an index of 2.29.
Likewise, it is shown that the sows treated with Nandrolona Laurate showed heat for 1654 days, while the pigs without the use of this Anabolic showed heat 2 weeks later. Among the other benefits it has is that it is an anti-stress agent. When used in a trial, the pigs that did not receive doses of Nandrolona Laurate showed stress due to space and temperature, while those that were administered Nandrolona Laurate did not show stress. that phenomenon. A documentary research was carried out with the objective of generating information on the use of Nandrolona Laurate in the finishing stage in fattening pigs. The Qualitative and Exploratory method will be used in a database with indexed journals, information obtained from DSpace of the universities, bibliographies of academic Google and scientific articles. This bibliographical research allowed to demonstrate that positive effects in the use of the anabolic steroid Laurato de Nandrolona in doses of 1 mg/ Kg. of live weight, with intervals of 30 days, reaching a total of 4 applications during the 120 days in the finishing stage. in fattening pigs they achieve good results in terms of final weight, weight gain being 111.23 and 48.00 Kg. In the same way, the best Feed Conversion with an index of 2.29.
Likewise, it is shown that the sows treated with Nandrolona Laurate showed heat for 1654 days, while the pigs without the use of this Anabolic showed heat 2 weeks later. Among the other benefits it has is that it is an anti-stress agent. When used in a trial, the pigs that did not receive doses of Nandrolona Laurate showed stress due to space and temperature, while those that were administered Nandrolona Laurate did not show stress. that phenomenon. Se realizó una investigación documental con el objetivo de generar información sobre el uso del Laurato de Nandrolona en la etapa de finalización en porcinos de Engorde. Se utilizará el método Cualitativo y Exploratorio en base de datos con revistas indexadas, información obtenida de DSpace de las universidades, bibliografías de Google académico y artículos científicos. Esta investigación bibliográfica permitió demostrar que efectos positivos en el uso del esteroide anabólico Laurato de Nandrolona en dosis de 1 mg/ Kg. de peso vivo, con intervalos de 30 días, alcanzándose un total de 4 aplicaciones durante los 120 días en la etapa de finalización en porcinos de engorde alcanzan buenos resultados en cuanto al peso final, ganancia de peso siendo de 11.23 y 48.00 Kg. de la misma forma la mejor Conversión Alimenticia con un índice de 2.29.
Así mismo se demuestra que las cerdas tratadas con el laurato de nandrolona manifestaron celo los 1654 días, mientras que los cerdos sin utilización de este Anabólico presentaron celo 2 semanas después. Entre los otros beneficios que posee es que es un agente anti-estresante, al usarlo en un ensayo los cerdos que no recibieron dosis de Laurato de Nandrolona manifestaron estrés debido al espacio y temperatura, mientras los que si se les administro Laurato de Nandrolona no presentaron aquel fenómeno.