Conducta obstétrica en primigesta de 14 años de edad con embarazo gemelar de 34.4 semanas con preeclampsia leve.
Ruela Hernández, Mariuxi Isamar
Twin pregnancy or múltiple pregnancy represents an obstetric risk both for the mother and for the fetuses because it is a high-risk pregnancy, over time it is more common for this type of pregnancy to occur for different reasons such as older age of the mother, multiparity, race, genetic inheritance, but it is very rare for this type of pregnancy to occur in an adolescent. Being a high-risk obstetric pregnancy, these twin pregnancies usually develop different complications such as preeclampsia, anemia, threat of premature birth, with hypertensive disorders being one of the main causes of maternal death. This case, which was presented at the Nicolas Cotto Infante Basic Hospital, was followed up throughout the evolution of the pregnancy, with prenatal controls, ultrasound, monitoring of laboratory tests, which determine the state of the mother and the fetuses. This clinical case presents the different situations that health professionals face due to the adverse situations that occur during pregnancy. Twin pregnancy or múltiple pregnancy represents an obstetric risk both for the mother and for the fetuses because it is a high-risk pregnancy, over time it is more common for this type of pregnancy to occur for different reasons such as older age of the mother, multiparity, race, genetic inheritance, but it is very rare for this type of pregnancy to occur in an adolescent. Being a high-risk obstetric pregnancy, these twin pregnancies usually develop different complications such as preeclampsia, anemia, threat of premature birth, with hypertensive disorders being one of the main causes of maternal death. This case, which was presented at the Nicolas Cotto Infante Basic Hospital, was followed up throughout the evolution of the pregnancy, with prenatal controls, ultrasound, monitoring of laboratory tests, which determine the state of the mother and the fetuses. This clinical case presents the different situations that health professionals face due to the adverse situations that occur during pregnancy. El embarazo gemelar o embarazo múltiple representa un riesgo obstétrico tanto como para la madre como para los fetos por ser un embarazo de alto riesgo, a través del tiempo es más común que se den este tipo de embarazo por diferentes causas como mayor edad de la madre, multiparidad, raza, herencia genética, pero es muy poco común que este tipo de embarazo se de en una adolescente. Al ser un embarazo de alto riesgo obstétrico estos embarazos gemelares por lo general desarrollan diferentes complicaciones como preeclampsia, anemia, amenaza de parto prematuro, siendo los trastornos hipertensivos una de las principales causas de muerte materna. A este caso que se presentó en el Hospital Básico Nicolas Cotto Infante se le dio seguimiento a lo largo de la evolución del embarazo, con los controles prenatales ecografía monitoreos exámenes de laboratorio quienes determinan el estado de la madre y los fetos. En este caso clínico se presenta las diferentes situaciones a la que se enfrentan los profesionales de salud debido a las situaciones adversas que se presentan en el embarazo.