El community manager, una necesidad para la correcta gestión de las marcas
Morales Salazar, Eduardo Enrique
This case study consists of the importance of Community Manager for the correct management of brands and companies. Taking charge of the marketing of the corporation is not an easy task, since the Community Manager is the one who is in charge of carrying out all these activities through the technological tools that humanity is currently developing, it is therefore, through the use of social networks, blogs, web, and all types of digital communication media that the Community Manager carries out its activities, allowing the productivity of companies to take possession of the market, offering their products of goods or services, and for the company to have direct contact and It could be said that even personalized with its customers, to solve concerns, problems and satisfy users, allowing companies and brands to establish high levels of acceptance. The Community Manager will contribute beneficially to each of the Canton's businesses, and therefore will increase commercial and labor productivity in the area. The research will contribute to the productive community, since a socialization to the commercial sector will be implemented, to publicize the importance of Community Manager in the productive sector. This case study consists of the importance of Community Manager for the correct management of brands and companies. Taking charge of the marketing of the corporation is not an easy task, since the Community Manager is the one who is in charge of carrying out all these activities through the technological tools that humanity is currently developing, it is therefore, through the use of social networks, blogs, web, and all types of digital communication media that the Community Manager carries out its activities, allowing the productivity of companies to take possession of the market, offering their products of goods or services, and for the company to have direct contact and It could be said that even personalized with its customers, to solve concerns, problems and satisfy users, allowing companies and brands to establish high levels of acceptance. The Community Manager will contribute beneficially to each of the Canton's businesses, and therefore will increase commercial and labor productivity in the area. The research will contribute to the productive community, since a socialization to the commercial sector will be implemented, to publicize the importance of Community Manager in the productive sector. El presente estudio de caso consiste en la importancia de Community Manager para la correcta gestión de las marcas y empresas. Encargarse del marketing de la corporación no es una tarea fácil, pues el Community Manager es quien se encarga de realizar todas estas actividades a través de las herramientas tecnológicas que en la actualidad se desenvuelve la humanidad, es pues, mediante del uso de redes sociales, blogs, web, y todo tipo de medio de comunicación digital que el Community Manager realiza sus actividades, permitiendo que la productividad de las empresas se posesionen en el mercado, ofertando sus productos de bienes o servicios, y que la empresa tenga un contacto directo y se podría decir que hasta personalizado con sus clientes, para resolver inquietudes, problemas y satisfacer a los usuarios, permitiéndole a las empresas y marcas establecer niveles altos de aceptación. El Community Manager aportará de manera beneficiosa a cada una de los comercios del Cantón, y por ende aumentará la productividad comercial y laboral en la zona. La investigación aportará a la comunidad productiva, puesto que se implementará una socialización al sector comercial, para dar a conocer la importancia de Community Manager en el sector productivo.