Análisis del rendimiento laboral en el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del cantón Montalvo
Zapata Villacres, Mónica Victoria
The Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Montalvo canton is a sectional government entity that directs, executes and equitably allocates capital and resources, through the execution of activities that favor the development of the Montalvo canton. At present, work performance is a subject of much attention for companies because it allows analyzing the results of the work of employees and the means they use to fulfill it. It is an essential indicator to know if the workers of a company operate and manage their tasks effectively, for this reason the institutions seek to maintain a high degree of performance in their personnel, however, the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Canton Montalvo presents some irregularities that are directly linked to personal situations, inadequate work environment, lack of leadership, inappropriate staff recruitment and other causes that affect the performance of the organization. The Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Montalvo canton is a sectional government entity that directs, executes and equitably allocates capital and resources, through the execution of activities that favor the development of the Montalvo canton. At present, work performance is a subject of much attention for companies because it allows analyzing the results of the work of employees and the means they use to fulfill it. It is an essential indicator to know if the workers of a company operate and manage their tasks effectively, for this reason the institutions seek to maintain a high degree of performance in their personnel, however, the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Canton Montalvo presents some irregularities that are directly linked to personal situations, inadequate work environment, lack of leadership, inappropriate staff recruitment and other causes that affect the performance of the organization. El Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del cantón Montalvo, es un ente de gobierno seccional que dirige, ejecuta y asigna de manera equitativa el capital y recursos, mediante la ejecución de actividades que favorecen al desarrollo del cantón Montalvo. En la actualidad el rendimiento laboral es un tema de mucha atención para las empresas porque permite analizar los resultados del trabajo de los empleados y los medios que utilizan para el cumplimiento del mismo. Es un indicador imprescindible para conocer si los trabajadores de una empresa operan y gestionan sus tareas de manera eficaz, por esta razón las instituciones buscan conservar un alto grado de desempeño en su personal, no obstante, el Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del Cantón Montalvo presenta algunas irregularidades que están ligados de manera directa a situaciones personales, ambiente laboral inadecuado, falta de liderazgo, el inapropiado reclutamiento del personal y otros causas que afectan al rendimiento de la organización.