Campos Gamboa, Andrea
Active breaks. The development of the active breaks in the Congress was carried out with the main goal of giving a parenthesis within the academic activity. With this, increase the concentration levels in the participants, prevent injuries due to a sedentary lifestyle and to remain long periods in the same position. In addition, the participants are educated on the subject of active breaks to motivate them to continue taking them in their daily lives. With this, it was possible to reach approximately 100 attendees, who had their activation time, physical and mental relaxation, stretching and strengthening. Within the video of the active breaks, general well-being advice was also provided, important to apply in daily life. The videos were planned in advance, the script was written by a graduate in Physical Therapy, the model for the exercises was a tutor from the Department of Health, to whom the movements to be carried out were explained in a meeting with the organizers of the Congress. . The script was passed along with all the details of the content and the shots to the Video Communication Program so that the recording could be planned. In approximately 6 hours, the two active breaks were recorded, which then went through the editing process, in order to be ready for transmission in Congress. The attendees then managed to have an oasis of reactivation within the academic activity, they moved, activated their systems, pumped blood, oxygenated their body, prevented injuries and remembered or learned about the concept of active pause. Subsequently, they resumed the presentations with greater concentration and energy. Active breaks should be a culture in every student and worker, for every hour in the same position there should be at least 5 minutes of a change of posture, this practice should already be included in the agenda in a disciplined way, it is cheaper and less cumbersome for the worker's health and for the employer to invest in prevention than in treatment. RESUMEN:
El desarrollo de la tecnología ha alcanzado también el espacio físico de los trabadores, con el uso repetitivo del hardware como monitor, teclado y mouse. Pasando el trabajador durante largas jornadas en la misma posición, con un estilo de vida sedentario y sumado esto con estrés diario. Todos estos factores dan como resultado frecuentes lesiones musculoesqueléticas, que se traducen en dolor para el colaborador, ingesta de medicamentos con efectos secundarios, visitas a especialistas en salud, incapacidades y, por lo tanto, atrasos de productos laborales. Procesos que se pueden prevenir por medio de estiramientos, fortalecimientos, activaciones, bombeos, higiene postural, es decir, pausas activas. Resultando así mejor para todos, tanto para los trabajadores como para los patrones, pues es más barata la prevención que la clínica, se evitan las molestias o dolores en el colaborador y el empleador invierte menos horas laborales en incapacidades o permisos médicos, usando ese tiempo en productividad. Por esta razón, cada vez, más centros laborales se suman a campañas de pausas activas, que eduquen al empleado en el desarrollo de este concepto y que lo motiven a cumplirlas. Cada trabajador entonces es el responsable de cumplir disciplinadamente estos tiempos y cada equipo de trabajo en motivar al empleado a seguir esta cultura.