Masonic and Epistolary networks between Morocco, Mexico and Cuba during the Second Spanish Republic
Redes masónicas epistolares entre Marruecos, México y Cuba durante la segunda República española
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Aguiar Bobet, Valeria
During the Spanish Second Republic, communications between the Spanish lodges of North Africa and some lodges of Latin America were constant. Epistolary exchanges were notable especially with the Grand Lodge “Eastern Peninsula” of the State of Yucatán, the Grand Lodge “United Mexico” of Veracruz or the Grand Lodge of Cuba Island. In the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco and sovereign territories, lodges such as Perseverancia no. 70 of Larache or Hercules no. 55 of Ceuta are notable in this labor, both sponsored by the Spanish Grand Lodge. These also had some considerable contacts with the Grand Regional Lodge of Morocco, that belonged to the Spanish Grand Orient. In this paper, we will try to outline the relevance and characteristics of these links and the origins of an international (transoceanic and transcontinental) solidarity network of cooperation, more intense than with other European lodges, particularly those of the Iberian Peninsula. Durante la segunda república española, los contactos de las logias españolas del Norte de África y algunos talleres de América Latina fueron constantes. El intercambio epistolar adquirió cifras destacables con logias pertenecientes a la Gran Logia Oriental Peninsular de Yucatán, la Gran Logia “Unida Mexicana” de Veracruz o La Gran Logia de la Isla de Cuba. Dentro del marco geográfico del protectorado español de Marruecos y plazas de soberanía, destacan talleres como Perseverancia no. 70 de Larache o Hércules no. 55 de Ceuta, ambos auspiciados por la Gran Logia Española, así como algunos contactos con la Gran Logia Regional de Marruecos, perteneciente al Gran Oriente Español. Este trabajo nos aproxima a la relevancia y particularidad de estos vínculos, al establecimiento de una red internacional (transoceánica y transcontinental) de solidaridades y colaboración masónica, cuya intensidad superaba las relaciones de talleres europeos, en particular a la de la Península Ibérica.