Germinación y morfología de la plántula de Hymenaea courbaril L. (Caesalpinaceae)*
Germinación y morfología de la plántula de Hymenaea courbaril L. (Caesalpinaceae)*
Flores, Eugenia M
Benavides, Carlos E
Hymenaea courbaril is a leguminous species, common in dry lowlands of the Pacific Coast, although it grows well at higher altitude. The seeds are typically caesalpinaceous, with a hard seed coat, but they germinate well at temperatures aboye 23°C, in humid soil, without mechanical scarification. Germination is epigeal, phanerocotylar and begins 20-30 days after sowing. Seedling development is fast under greenhouse conditions and provides the possibility of obtaining numerous healthy and vigorous seedlings, which may be used in reforestation programs Hymenaea courbaril is a leguminous species, common in dry lowlands of the Pacific Coast, although it grows well at higher altitude. The seeds are typically caesalpinaceous, with a hard seed coat, but they germinate well at temperatures aboye 23°C, in humid soil, without mechanical scarification. Germination is epigeal, phanerocotylar and begins 20-30 days after sowing. Seedling development is fast under greenhouse conditions and provides the possibility of obtaining numerous healthy and vigorous seedlings, which may be used in reforestation programs