Redescription and validation of Bothriechis supraciliaris (Serpentes: Viperidae)
Redescription and validation of Bothriechis supraciliaris (Serpentes: Viperidae)
Registro en:
Solórzano, Alejandro
Gómez, Luis D
Monge-Nájera, Julián
Crother, Brian I
The populations of pitvipers from south western Costa Rica, have traditionally been identified as Bothriechis schlegelii (Berthold). However, in 1954 E. H. Taylor described one specimen from the area as a new subspecies, B. schlegelii supraciliaris. Werrnan returned supraciliaris to synonymy with schlegelii four decades latero However, morphometry and color pattern in a SW Costa Rica population (25 specimens) differ from those of specimens (N=57) from other parts of Costa Rica and from descriptions of South American specimens. Here ¡he epithet Bothriechis schlegelii supraciliaris Taylor 1954, is reestablished as a valid taxon and elevated to specific rank as B. supraciliaris stat.nov. It is closely related to B. schlegelii from which it differs by íts color patterns based on a uniforrn ground color with polymorphic dorsal designs, and its lower counts of ventral and caudal scales. Las poblaciones de toboba de pestañas o bocaracá del suroeste de Costa Rica han sido denominadas tradicionalmente Bothriechis schlegelii supraciliaris Taylor 1954. Sin embargo, la morfometría y el patrón de coloración sugieren que es una especie aparte, que aquí se propone como Bothriechis supraciliaris stat.nov.