Distribution and ecological notes on Dynoides (Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae) in the Mexican Pacific
Distribution and ecological notes on Dynoides (Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae) in the Mexican Pacific
Espinosa-Pérez, María del Carmen
Hendrickx, Michel E
Two species of the genus Dynoides Barnard, 1914 (D. crenulatus Carvacho and Haasmann, 1984; D. saldanai Carvacho and Haasmann, 1984) not reported since their description were rediscovered during an intensive sampling program in the intertidal and shallow subtidal of the Mexican Pacific. Both species are abundant in the area and inhabit among the algae Jania adherens Lamouroux, 1816, Amphiroa misakiensis Yendo, 1902, Chaetomorpha linum Kützing, 1845, and Hypnea pannosa Agardh, 1847 from Nayarit to Oaxaca Durante un programa intensivo de muestreo en la zona intermareal y submareal somera del Pacífico mexicano se redescubrieron dos especies del género Dynoides Barnard, 1914 (D. crenulatus Carvacho y Haasmann, 1984; D. saldanai Carvacho y Haasmann, 1984), no registradas desde su descripción. Ambas especies son abundantes en el área y habitan entre las algas Jania adherens Lamouroux, 1816, Amphiroa misakiensis Yendo, 1902, Chaetomorpha linum Kützing, 1845 e Hypnea pannosa Agardh, 1847 desde Nayarit hasta Oaxaca.