dc.creatorRivera-Aguilera, Alma B.
dc.creatorSolano-Aguilar, Gabriela
dc.creatorHerrera-Solís, María C.
dc.creatorSalazar-Robles, Sergio O.
dc.creatorCruz-Vázquez, Alfredo
dc.creatorCarrillo, Salvador
dc.identifierRivera-Aguilera, A. B., Solano-Aguilar, G., Herrera-Solís, M. C., Salazar-Robles, S. O., Cruz-Vázquez, A. y Carrillo, S. (2018) The Challenge of Listening all the Voices: Selecting Library Research Participants from a Diversity Perspective. 10th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference. Creta, Grecia.
dc.descriptionUndergraduate students are usually the largest populations in higher education institutions. More information about qualitative aspects of learning practices and deeper knowledge about student needs is necessary to understand and promote a more implicated role of libraries in undergraduate student learning. The project reported at this poster is developed by researchers from two private universities libraries in Mexico. The research methodology used is mixed. After analysis and discussion of initial data some student’s characteristics were established as diversity markers which we expect will facilitate to select students for deep interview in order to listen the variety of undergraduate voices and analyze them to guide the design of new library spaces, collections and services We expect also that the methodology developed will help to select participants from other library user groups from a diversity perspective.
dc.publisherInternational Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries
dc.relationInternational Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries;
dc.subjectUniversity Libraries
dc.subjectHigher Education
dc.subjectUser Studies
dc.subjectUndergraduate Students
dc.subjectQualitative Studies
dc.titleSelecting Undergraduate Students as Library Research Subjects from a Diversity Perspective

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