Multi-Step Vortex Filtering For Phase Extraction
A quantized version of a continuous spiral phase filter with unitary topological charge, here denominated multi-step spiral phase filter (MSSPF), is proposed to extract phase from rotated spiral interferograms. Spiral interferograms are usually obtained from phase objects by registering the interference of its vortex filtered complex amplitude with a reference complex amplitude. The structure found in this kind of interferograms, depend on the number of steps used in the MSSPF that usually are assumed with an infinite number of steps for the continuous spiral phase filter. Reducing the number of steps of the MSSPF affects the residual phase error obtained after the phase extraction method. This error is therefore analysed here using a numerical simulation of a Mach-Zender interferometer with a MSSPF and a reduced number of steps. It is shown that, for our proposed method of rotated spiral interferograms, a residual error persists as the number of steps is increased approaching the resi