Guerra Civil Española y cambios de paradigma
Viñas, Ángel
En este artículo se contraponen dos formas de ver la Guerra Civil: el paradigma franquista y el paradigma republicano. Particular atención se presta al primero, que sigue ejerciendo influencia en sectores de derechas. Se trata de un paradigma cerrado en sí mismo, últimamente renovado en varios niveles. El republicano es mucho más heterogéneo y está marcado por las pugnas de la Guerra Civil que se prolongaron en el exilio. Ambos recogen la influencia de la Guerra Fría. No obstante, la investigación más reciente se inclina mucho más hacia el paradigma republicano que hacia el franquista. This paper examines two opposing visions of the Civil War: the Francoist and Republican paradigms. It pays particular attention to the former, which continues to influence certain right-wing sectors in Spain. It is a very inwardlooking approach, and one that has recently been renewed at different levels. The Republican paradigm is much more heterogeneous. It is strongly shaped by the quarrels of the Civil War which were kept alive during the post-war exile. Both paradigms were also influenced by the Cold War. However, the most recent research in Spain into the Civil War and its origins tends to favor the Republican paradigm over the Francoist one.