dc.contributorFraga Zizumbo, Alejandro
dc.creatorLópez Montes, Irvin
dc.description.abstractThe content that can be observed within this work of thesis, is about the project of a temple of Baptist Christian character, which seeks to provide the solution of spaces, environments and needs on the congregants of this religion. For this work it is necessary the realization of several sections and characteristics to be able to propose a design according to the requested. Major aspects such as: the development of religion along the years, the number of temples in the area, the needs and activities carried out, the conditions in the environment, the climate, the flora, fauna, among bachelorDegreeWorks. The project is developed with the support of the interest of the Baptist congregation in order to be able to generate an increase of this same, to be able to develop the events and activities that are currently marginalized because they do not have an established establishment. With this in mind, this work counts on the planning and design of areas and spaces such as: classrooms, kitchen, multipurpose room, sanitary ware, offices, warehouse, auditorium, baptistery, parking, green areas and more. All this can be observed in the planimetry that is attached to the document.
dc.description.abstractFórum cultura es finalmente un emerger de ideas planteadas desde un principio y durante toda una transformación, no sólo se trata de una configuración de palabras que resultan alusivas al significado del proyecto, existe detrás un origen de las mismas, es decir, fórum cultura forma parte de lo que fue una galería de exposición inicialmente pero que a lo largo de las problemáticas, en el estudio del espacio, el estudio de la vida misma de una ciudad llevan a la evolución del proyecto, un espacio interactivo para la recreación y convergencia de una sociedad caótica como lo es la sociedad de Uruapan.
dc.publisherUniversidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
dc.titleTemplo Bautista El Divino Salvador en Morelia Michoacán

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