dc.contributorSociedad Química de México, A.C.
dc.creatorBibiana Cercado
dc.creatorVega Guerrero, Ana Laura
dc.creatorHernández López, José Luis
dc.creatorCházaro Ruiz, Luis Felipe
dc.creatorAlain Bergel
dc.identifierCercado, Bibiana, Vega-Guerrero, Ana Laura, Rodríguez-Valadez, Francisco, Hernández- López, José Luis, Cházaro-Ruiz, Luis Felipe, Délia, Marie-Line, & Bergel, Alain. (2014). Carbonaceous and Protein Constituents in Dairy Wastewater Lead to a Differentiated Current Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs). Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society, 58(3), 309-314.
dc.description"The effect of real dairy wastewater (DWW) additions on the current density generated by a bioanode was evaluated in a half cell configuration under potentiostatic control, thus simulating the anodic chamber of a Microbial Fuel Cell. Low substrate additions increased current density up to 1655 ± 136 mA m−2, forming a two-current peak pattern. Then the system was tested with a casein-lactose synthetic media. A high protein concentration reduced the current density; individual compounds led to the highest current (330.5 mA m−2 with casein; 1276 mA m−2 with lactose). Moreover, the protein reduced the current start up time."
dc.description"Se evaluó la densidad de corriente de un bioánodo con adiciones de agua residual lacto-alimenticia. A menor volumen de substrato adicionado, se observó mayor producción de densidad de corriente (1655 ± 136 mA m−2), con un patrón de dos picos de corriente. El sistema evaluado con un medio sintético de caseína-lactosa mostró que una alta concentración de proteína afectó negativamente la corriente producida; los componentes individuales generaron los valores más altos de corriente (330.5 mA m−2 con caseína; 1276 mA m−2 con lactosa). Adicionalmente la proteína favoreció el inicio de generación de corriente."
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.rightsAcceso Abierto
dc.subjectMicrobial fuel cell
dc.subjectDairy wastewater
dc.subjectCurrent density
dc.titleCarbonaceous and protein constituents in dairy wastewater lead to a differentiated current generation in microbial fuel cells (MFCs)

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