dc.contributor | Vega Sánchez, María Cristina | |
dc.contributor | Padrón Corral, Emilio | |
dc.contributor | Rodríguez Valdés, José Guadalupe | |
dc.creator | Musito Ramírez, Noé | |
dc.date | 2003-10-03 | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-07-17T21:07:55Z | |
dc.date.available | 2023-07-17T21:07:55Z | |
dc.identifier | http://repositorio.uaaan.mx:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/47266 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://repositorioslatinoamericanos.uchile.cl/handle/2250/7530249 | |
dc.description | "El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar genotipos de maíz tolerantes la salinidad mediante la evaluación de caracteres agronómicos en campo 3 laboratorio. El experimento de campo se realizó en el ciclo primavera-verano de 2002 en la localidad de Navidad, Nuevo León., bajo condiciones de riego. Se utilizo un diseño experimental de bloques completamente al azar con seis repeticiones
mostraron buen comportamiento. Por lo que respecta a las demás variables, cabe señalar que la altura de planta se redujo debido al efecto de las sales en tanto que, los días a floración tanto femenina como masculina se retardaron por un efecto de temperatura mas que por la salinidad la cual tiende a acelerar la floración.
En laboratorio, los análisis de varianza para longitud de radícula y plántula mostraron diferencias significativas para las fuentes genotipos, dosis e interacción; los coeficientes de variación para ambas variables fueron de 30.08 y 28,81 por ciento, respectivamente; estos coeficientes se debieron probablemente al estrés salino causado por el tiempo de exposición de la semilla hasta su germinación. El genotipo AN-447 (testigo) fue el que obtuvo mejor longitud radicular y de plántula en la mayoría de los niveles de salinidad.
El análisis foliar de los genotipos de campo señaló que, en general, los genotipos exhibieron deficiencia de Nitrógeno, Fósforo y Potasio en tanto que, el contenido de calcio, magnesio y azufre fue alto, dando una idea de que los genotipos tinen la habilidad para usar eficientemente los elementos para amortiguar los efectos de la salinidad" | |
dc.description | "The objective of the present research was to identify genotypes of maize tolerant to salinity by means the evaluation of agronomics characteres in field and laboratory.The field expermient was carried out in the cycle spring summer 2002 in the location of Navidad, Nuevo Leon., under watering conditions. A randomized complete blocks design was used with six replications, being measured the following variables: yield, plant height, ear heigth, days to female flowering, days to male flowering in 14 genotypes wich coming from populations that in preliminary studies exhibited good behavior in soils with salinity, in the same genotypes were taken
foliar samples at moment of appearance of the leaf flag in the immediate leaf to the main ear for it determined the content of elements.
In laboratory, 13 genotypes were evaluated (genotype 8 wasn't evaluated) in five solutions of salinity (0, 3, 6, 9 y 12 decisiemens), this solutions were obtained in the laboratory of soils of the Universidad Autonoma Agraria Antonio Narrro with the mixture of sodium and chloride, the experimental design consisted in randomized complete with factorial arragement and three repelications, being evaluated root longitude and seedling longitude to the twenty days alter the seedplant carried out in petri boxes.
The variance analyses for the variables ín field showed significant differences to 1 percent in the source genotypes indicating with it the variation in their genetic constitution. For the blocks source only the variable plant heigth didn't show significancia , the rest of them showed highly significancia suggesting a variation of the soil.
The test DMS (0.01) for yield considers to the genotypes 1 and 2 like statistically similar with yields average of 6964.3 and 6619.5 kg haT', respectively; overcoming the witness AN-447 (6619.5 kg ha-1) wich is potentially productive but it doesn't to safine conditions where genotypes 1 and 2 showed good behavior. Regarding the other variables, it is necessary to point out that plant height decreased due to the effect of salts, as Ion g as, days to female and male flowering were slowed by an effect of temperature but that for the salinity wich spreads to alerate the flowering.
In laboratory, the variance analyses for root and plantula longitude showed significant differences for the sources genotypes, dose and interaction, the variation
coefficients for both variables were of 30.08 and 28.81 percent respectively; these coefficients wre probably owed to the salive strees caused by the time of exhibition of the seed until their germination. The genotype AN-447 (check) the one that obtained better root and plant longitude in most of the levels of salinity.
The foliar analyses of the freid genotypes point out that , in general, the genotypes exhibited defieiency of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium as long as, the content of calcium, magnesium and sulfur was high, suggesting that genotypes have hability to using efficiently elements to muffle the effect of the salinity" | |
dc.format | PDF | |
dc.language | Español | |
dc.rights | Acceso Abierto | |
dc.rights | CC BY-NC-ND - Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas | |
dc.subject | Maíz | |
dc.subject | Genótipo | |
dc.subject | Selección | |
dc.title | Genotipos de maíz tolerantes a sanidad, un estudio preliminar para iniciar un programa de selección | |
dc.type | Tesis de maestría | |
dc.type | Versión publicada | |
dc.audience | Estudiantes | |
dc.audience | Investigadores | |