dc.contributorMendoza Villarreal, Rosalinda
dc.contributorValdez Aguilar, Luis Alonso
dc.contributorCabrera De La Fuente, Marcelino
dc.contributorRobledo Torres, Valentin
dc.contributorHernández Fuentes, Alma Delía
dc.creatorBorjas Banda, Claudia
dc.description"En la UAAAN se extrajo una cepa de raíces de Nopal propagándola en medio NFB adicionándolo con antibióticos para resistencia. Mediante la técnica de PCR se obtuvo una secuencia de aminoácidos que se comparó con la base de datos BLAST ®, determinando que es Brevibacillus sp. G12. Consecutivamente se elaboró un biofertilizante a base de extractos acuosos de sábila, nopal y goma de mezquite a diferentes concentraciones (0,0.1, 0.5 y 1.0 %) enriquecido con la cepa identificada (106 UFC ml-1 ) evaluándose mensualmente. Los resultados muestran diferencia estadística al usar el nopal y sábila (0.1 y 1.0%) mediante un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial, analizado en el programa SAS 9.4. Los tratamientos significativos se probaron en pepino Var. Tirano, en invernadero en un diseño de bloques completamente al azar con arreglo de parcelas divididas. Los tratamientos incluyeron dos sustratos un extracto de nopal y otro de sábila al 0.1 y al 1.0%, con y sin el Brevibacillus a concentración de 106 UFC ml-1 con solución nutritiva al 50% y otros 8 al 100%, además de dos testigos con solución Steiner al 50% y 100% para 18 tratamientos. Se realizaron tres mediciones a los 30, 60 y 90 días después del trasplante (ddt). Se evaluaron variables agronómicas y de calidad nutracéutica. Los resultados muestran que la fertilización química puede ser modificada al añadir dichos biofertilizantes."
dc.description"At the Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro at a strain of Brevibacillus was isolated from Nopal roots. This strain was propagating in NFB medium added with antibiotics. Once isolated the DNA was analyzed by Gen 16s rna method and subsequently sent to Macrogen ® Laboratory when the amino acid sequence was performed by PCR technique which was compared in BLAST® (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) and classified as Brevibacillus Sp. G12. Consecutively one semisolid biofertilizers was elaborated based on aqueous extracts of nopal, aloe vera and mesquite at different concentrations (0, 0.1, 0.5 y 1.0 %) and Brevibacillus strain added (106 UFC ml-1). The data evaluated monthly show statistical difference when using nopal and aloe vera (0.1 y 1.0%) through a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement analyzed in SAS program 9.4 version. Extracts that produced significant difference were tested on cucumber Var. Tirano on a greenhouse. Agronomic (diameter of stem, height, total fresh and dry weight, number of fruits and yield) and nutraceutical parameters (total soluble solids, fruit hydrogen potential, titratable acidity, phenols, flavonoids and total antioxidants) were measured. The percentage of colonization of the root was also measured. The field design was completely randomized blocks with split plot arrangement, counting on 18 treatments analyzed in SAS 9.4. The treatments come from the combination of two nutrient solutions (Steiner modified) at 100% and 50%, plus the application of nopal and aloe substrates (0.1 and 1.0%) and added or not with Brevibacillus strain. Obtaining that the agronomic and nutraceutical variables showed significant difference compared to the control. Also the results indicate that the use of the biofertilizer (Brevibacillus) allows us to reduce the fertilization up to 50% of a modified solution of Steiner without affecting the development and yield of the crop."
dc.rightsAcceso Abierto
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND - Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas
dc.subjectExtractos vegetales
dc.titleObtencion y evaluacion de biofertilizante semisolido aplicado a cultivo de pepino
dc.typeTesis de maestría
dc.typeVersión publicada

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