dc.contributorMendoza Villarreal, Rosalinda
dc.contributorRobledo Torres, Valentín
dc.contributorVázquez Badillo, Mario Ernesto
dc.creatorNuncio Orta, Gloria Laura
dc.description"El objetivo del estudio fue aislar y caracterizar cepas rizosféricas de Azospirillum sp. para evaluar su potencial biofertilizante en plantas de chile jalapeño (Capsicum annuum L. Híbrido “Grande”). La investigación se realizó en dos etapas durante 2011 – 2013. Se aislaron rizobacterias de Azospirillum de plantas de chile, nopal y tomate, las bacterias se identificaron a nivel de género mediante la tinción Gram y características morfológicas. Durante la etapa de aislamientos, se encontraron cepas de Acetobacter y Azotobacter sp., éstas también fueron caracterizadas e incluidas en las posteriores evaluaciones. Por lo que, las seis cepas de Azospirillum, cuatro de Acetobacter y dos de Azotobacter sp. fueron evaluadas en una prueba de germinación y vigor en condiciones in vitro, cada cepa fue inoculada con tres concentraciones de inóculo 104, 106 y 108 UFC mL-1 en semillas de chile jalapeño, añadiendo un testigo sin inóculo, el cual presentó agua destilada. El diseño experimental utilizado fue completamente al azar con 2 factores A) cepas y B) concentración de inóculo aplicando la prueba de comparación de medias Tukey (P ≤ 0.05). Los resultados sobresalientes en esta primer etapa fueron por parte de la cepa Azospirillum sp. (AzGT1) aislada de la rizósfera de tomate la cual promovió 24% la germinación con las concentraciones de inóculo 104 y 106 UFC mL-1. La ganancia de biomasa fresca y seca de plántulas fue estimulada con la dosis 108 UFC mL-1 de la cepa Azospirillum sp. (AzTT2) de tomate y la longitud radicular se incrementó 36% al inocular la cepa AzTCH3 aislada de plantas de chile con la concentración 106 UFC mL-1"
dc.descriptionstaining and morphological characteristics. During the isolates, strains of Acetobacter and Azotobacter sp. were found they were also characterized and included in subsequent evaluations. Therefore, the six strains of Azospirillum, four Acetobacter and two of Azotobacter sp. were evaluated in a test of germination and vigor under in vitro conditions, each strain was inoculated with three concentrations inoculum 104, 106 and 108 CFU mL-1 in jalapeño seeds, adding a control without inoculum, which presented distilled water. The experimental design was completely randomized with two factors A) and B strains) inoculum concentration, applying the test of comparsion Tukey means (P ≤ 0.05). The outstanding results in this first stage were by the strain Azospirillum sp. (AzGT1) isolated tomato rhizosphere which promoted germination with 24 % inoculum concentrations 104 and 106 CFU mL-1. The gain of fresh and dry biomass of seedlings by was stimulated dose 108 UFC mL-1 of strain Azospirillum sp. (AzTT2) tomato and root length increased 36% with the inoculum 106 CFU mL-1 of strain AzTCH3 isolated of chile. On the basis of these results, during the second stage two strains of Azospirillum (AzGT1 and AzTCH3), one of Acetobacter (AceGN2) and was included isolated Azospirillum strain (AzSTC-5) of roots of wheat (Mendoza, 2009), these strains were characterized by the acetylene reduction activity, indoleacetic acid production and solubilization of phosphorus. The results showed a high production of indole acetic acid (IAA) by the Azospirillum strains (AzGT1 and AzTCH3) and Acetobacter (AceGN2) with 59.78, 84.14 and 181.76 mg mL-1 respectively. The acetylene reduction activity was low less than 10 nmol of ethylene. With respect at phosphorus solubilization the Azospirillum x strain included (AzSTC-5) had high amount of 277.22 mg mL-1 of soluble phosphate. After this it, the strains were inoculated in jalapeno chilli plants under greenhouse conditions. Each strain was inoculated with two inoculum concentrations of 106 and 104 CFU mL-1 was added a control without inoculum, was used as a substrate perlite and peat moss (1:1). To the risks of inoculated plants was applied modified Steiner nutrient solution with 20 % nitrogen and to the control treatment was used complete the Steiner solution. The experimental design was block completely randomized and comparsion of means test Tukey (P ≤ 0.05). The response of plant inoculation was positive from all strains, but the best was Azospirillum (AzSTC -5) because the aerial dry weight increased 43 % over the baton to inoculate with 106 CFU ml -1, AzSTC-5 also increased root length 47 % greater than the control. This strain AzSTC-5 has potential for partially replace nitrogen fertilization and promote the growth and development of jalapeno chilli plants.
dc.rightsAcceso Abierto
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND - Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas
dc.titleAislamiento y caracterización de azospirillum sp. inoculado en el cultivo de chile jalapeño (capsicum annuum l. híbrido “grande”)
dc.typeTesis de maestría
dc.typeVersión publicada

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