Fall armyworm in Asia: a guide for integrated pest management
Prasanna, B.M.
Huesing, J.E.
Peschke, V.M.
Eddy, R.
This FAW IPM Guide is designed for use by professionals in private and public plant protection organizations, extension agencies, research institutions, and governments, whose primary focus is smallholder farmers and the seed systems that support them. The FAW IPM Guide is meant to provide an important foundation for the emergence of harmonized FAW pest management protocols that will continue to be informed by research. The guide is also expected to serve as the basis for a series of cascading technical knowledge dissemination materials and social and behavioral change communications that will specifically target the needs of the smallholder farmers in Asia. In order to inform development of locally adapted IPM strategies appropriate for Asian farmers, this FAW IPM Guide compiles currently available, scientifically validated strategies to control FAW. The document presents the best management strategies that have either been validated or are in the process of validation in the smallholder farmer context, as judged by experts to be appropriate for adaptation to Asian agroecologies and maize-based cropping systems.