Screening of lentil germplasm against Stemphylium blight by observing disease reaction in different stages
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Razzak, M.A.
Islam, M.A.
Rahman, M.H.
Sathi, M.A.
Atikuzzamman, M.
Stemphylium blight of lentil (Stemphylium botryosum) a standout amongst the most vital constraints of lentil production in Bangladesh. An investigation was carried out at the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI), Rahmatpur, Barisal to pick out lentil germplasms against Stemphylium blight. Under the present study 100 lentil lines and 2 check varieties were evaluated for their reaction to Stemphylium blight and yield performance under natural epiphytotic condition at three growth stage namely flowering stage, pod setting stage and maturity stage. Altogether 102 lines/varieties were screened where 5, 91 and 6 lines were selected as Highly Resistant(HR), Resistant(R) and Moderately Resistant(MR) respectably at flowering stage. The highly resistant 5 lines were BD-3921, BD-3930, BD-3931, BARI Masur-7 and Local check. In pod setting stage, out of 102 lines/varieties, 16, 78 and 8 lines were showed Resistant (R), Moderately Resistant (MR) and Moderately Susceptible (MS) reaction, respectably, to stemphylium blight disease of lentil. During maturity, 40, 52 and10 lines out of 102 lines/varieties were expressed as Moderately Resistant (MR), Moderately Susceptible (MS) and Susceptible (S) reaction, respectively. 15-18