Conference Poster
Genetics of leaf rust and stripe rust resistance in spring wheat cultivar ‘Kijil’
Sandoval-Sanchez, M.
Huerta-Espino, J.
Singh, R.
Caixia Lan
Bhavani, S.
Rojas Martínez, R.I.
Benitez Riquelme, I.
Nava Díaz, C.
Randhawa, M.S.
Leaf rust and stripe rust caused by the fungi Puccinia triticina and P. striiformis f. sp. tritici, respectively, are important diseases of wheat and represent a significant threat in most wheat producing regions worldwide. Growing resistant varieties and the identification and characterization of new sources of resistance are necessary to combat the threat from the evolving pathogen population. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) line ‘Kijil’ developed at CIMMYT showed adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust (LR) and stripe rust (YR). 1 page