Experimental Station in Chapingo, visited by The Rockefeller Foundation officials
The agricultural experimental station in Chapingo, Mexico, where the Rockefeller Foundation was located, began the main phase of its agricultural program 20 years ago, was frequently visited by Foundation officials. In 1951 he was inspected by John D. Rockefeller, chairman of the Board; Dr. Sterling Wortman, Associate Director of the International Rice Research Institute, supported by the Foundation: Dr. J. George Harrar, President of the Foundation; Dr. William I. Myers, the then Dean of the Cornell College of Agriculture and Trustee of the Foundation; and Dr. Edwin J. Wellhausen, Associate Director of Agricultural Sciences of the Foundation. Black and White John Davidson Rockefeller III Sterling Wortman J. George Harrar William I. Myers Edwin J. Wellhausen John S. Niederhauser Dorothy Parker Jose Guevara Calderon