The genetics and exploitation of heterosis in crops, International Symposium
Norman Borlaug, Edwin Wellhausen, Timothy Reeves, Shivaji Pandey, Gregorio Martinez, and Francisco Labastida are present at the Sheraton Hotel in the International Symposium "The genetics and exploitation of heterosis in crops", from August 17th to 22th, 1997. Color Photograph Timothy G. Revees Shivaji Pandey Francisco Labastida Ochoa Ganesan Srivirasan Norman Ernest Borlaug Edwin J. Wellhausen Abel Muñoz Orozco Gregorio Martinez Valdes Anita Heiser Jose Molina Galan Sant Virmani Ernesto Samayoa Armenta Albretch Melchinger Richard Weederburn George Sprague Arnel R. Hallawer Howard LaFranchi Tiffin D. Harris Karla A. Lopez Maarten Van Ginkel Jakoba Drenth Gyan Pandey Ranjani Srivasan Linda Gardner Ainsworth Diane S. Johnson 4"x6"