Conference Proceedings
Asian Maize Biotechnology Network (AMBIONET)
George, M.L.C.
Khairallah, M.M.
The Asian Maize Biotechnology Network (AMBIONET) is a collaborative research and training network established in April 1998 that is aimed at building the biotechnology capacity of national maize programs in Asia. The focus of the Network is on the application of biotechnology tools to maize improvement and their integration into conventional breeding efforts in collaborative research programs. Through training and collaborative research, the Network aims to increase maize productivity through the development of improved cultivars with high yield potential, durable resistance to diseases and tolerance to abiotic stresses. Co-financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), CIMMYT, and the national research systems of partner countries, the AMBIONET facilitates interactions, advances communications, and promotes the sharing of information, technologies and germplasm within the network. The Network was initiated with a start-up meeting between CIMMYT and China, Philippines and Thailand in Bangkok, Thailand in April 1998. Since then, India and Indonesia also joined the Network, bringing the number of partner countries to five. 36 pages