Training at CIMMYT
Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)
Training is a major CIMMYT activity. Through the years, training activities have evolved as an essential component in the development of improved agricultural technologies. The principal objective of CIMMYT's various training programs is to heighten the professional expertise of agricultural personnel in developing countries. CIMMYT trainees accept the challenge to further improve national capabilities for agricultural research and food production. CIMMYT can hope to train only a fraction of the thousands of agricultural specialists needed by national crop programs. Therefore, CIMMYT attempts to reach those candidates who demonstrate leadership ability and who are potential future research leaders in national programs. Agricultural personnel from developing countries often spend one crop cycle in Mexico fully participating in CIMMYT's research programs. The Center's training philosophy stresses practical and applied skills directed toward increasing the level and dependability of crop yields. 23 pages