A complete listing of improved maize germplasm from CIMMYT
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Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)
Targeted to maize breeders and other research partners, this compilation features tabular listings of the genetic pools, populations, inbred lines, and special purpose germplasm developed by the CIMMYT Maize Program through more than three decades of collaborative breeding research with national maize programs in developing countries, private entities, and other leadings scientific institutes worldwide. These germplasm types are subdivided by adaptation to the major maize production ecologies of the developing world -- lowland tropics, subtropics, midaltitude zones, and tropical highlands - and detailed information is provided on origin, pedigree, source materials, yield potential, stress tolerance disease and pest resistance, and other relevant characteristics. Four user convenience, contact information is included and seed request procedures and policies described. 94 pages