XVIII Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium General Assembly
XVIII Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium General Assembly
and Technology Education Consortium, Ibero-American Science
This eBook is a compendium of papers presented at the XVIII General Assembly of the Iberoamerican Science and Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC), held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, May 16-20, 2011. Hosted by Pontifícia Universidade do Río Grande do Sul (PUCRS), representatives from various universities in Latin America presented papers in the subjects of library science, cutting-edge technologies, and education. This Compendium is fully aligned with ISTEC’s four Initiatives: (1) Liblink (Library Linkages) network; (2) R&D (Research and Development); (3) ACE (Advanced Continuing Education); and (4) Los Libertadores Centers of Excellence, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation/creativity in engineering education. The thematic areas covered by these works are rich and varied, ranging from cartographic collections, digital repositories and harvesting in libraries, to experimental platforms in digital control technologies, to practical approaches and the role of complexity science in engineering education. This eBook is a compendium of papers presented at the XVIII General Assembly of the Iberoamerican Science and Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC), held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, May 16-20, 2011. Hosted by Pontifícia Universidade do Río Grande do Sul (PUCRS), representatives from various universities in Latin America presented papers in the subjects of library science, cutting-edge technologies, and education. This Compendium is fully aligned with ISTEC’s four Initiatives: (1) Liblink (Library Linkages) network; (2) R&D (Research and Development); (3) ACE (Advanced Continuing Education); and (4) Los Libertadores Centers of Excellence, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation/creativity in engineering education. The thematic areas covered by these works are rich and varied, ranging from cartographic collections, digital repositories and harvesting in libraries, to experimental platforms in digital control technologies, to practical approaches and the role of complexity science in engineering education.