Objeto de conferencia
Applying Case-Based Reasoning for Helping Psychological Patients
Martignago, Evandro Luiz
Zanin Piuco, Juliana
Melo Braga, Marcus de
Pereira Fialho, Francisco Antonio
The diagnosis of psychological problems often requires psychologists to consult the relevant literature to identify through the symptoms presented by their patients a specific treatment. This paper presents a study of an application of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) to the Psychology field. It aims to apply a CBR tool in order to help psychologists to create a case database that can help them to find some cases related to a specific patient problem and adapt the similar cases retrieved by the system to a particular treatment for a given patient. The results show that the CBR tool proposed here is very useful for searching the most similar cases, offering psychologists a good support to find a similar treatment for a specific case. Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa