Violencia intrafamiliar en Colombia : Causalidad y creencias
Domestic Violence in Colombia: Causality and Beliefs
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Rojas Reyes, Gonzalo
Este artículo se deriva de una investigación cualitativa meta analítica realizada con la técnica de análisis de contenido. Estudia las creencias culturales sobre la violencia intrafamiliar en Colombia previas al periodo de la pandemia generada por el Covid-19; busca visibilizarlas, mostrar sus efectos e invitar a intervenirlas. La muestra la componen 81 artículos académicos; en los resultados se encontró que la inequidad en el uso del poder, las conductas violentas aprendidas en la familia y la dependencia tanto económica como emocional aparecen entre sus principales factores causantes. Lo hallado resulta significativo porque para entender este tipo de violencia y diseñar programas prevención además de analizar las causas biológicas, económicas y sociales también se requiere conocer e intervenir las creencias que circulan en los contextos sociales donde esta violencia hace presencia. This article is derived from a qualitative research carried out with the content analysis technique. It studies the cultural beliefs about domestic violence in Colombia prior to the pandemic generated by Covid-19, seeks to make them visible, show their effects, invite intervention and also provide some comprehensive cultural elements for those who are determined to analyze the increase in cases and the decrease in complaints of these in 2020, a period that coincides with the period of national mandatory confinement due to the pandemic. The sample is made up of 81 academic articles. In the results, it was found that inequity in the use of power, violent behaviors learned in the family, and economic and emotional dependence appear among its main causative factors. What was found is significant because in order to understand this type of violence and design promotion and prevention programs, in addition to analyzing the biological, economic and social causes, it is also necessary to know and intervene in the beliefs that circulate in the social contexts where this violence is present. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social