Dynamics of a thin spherically symmetric radiating shells and collapsed astronomical objects
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Montenegro, Carlos E.
Aquilano, Roberto O.
In ref. [1] it studied the dynamics of a thin dust radiating shell, endowed with spherical symmetry moving in the gravitational field of a central body. We used the General Relativity Theory; in our formalism the shell is a three-dimensional (two space like dimensions, one time like dimension) singular hypersurface [1, 2], with a Schwarzschild metric inside and Vaidya [3] metric outside. We used the model to study the detection of relativistic effects in novae and supernovae, and reach to the conclusion that, using these astronomical objects General Relativity effect will be very difficult to detect. In ref. [3] Hamity and Spinosa considering also a Vaidya metric in the interior of the shell, used this new model to study planetary nebula. In the present work we have used this last model to study different astronomical object: X-ray bursters, and Gamma-ray bursters. Asociación Argentina de Astronomía