Objeto de conferencia
Argentina’s Freshwater Systems, Aliens In Wonderland
Vigliano, Pablo H.
Darrigran, Gustavo Alberto
To date a total of 34 alien taxa have been detected in Argentine freshwater systems. Knowledge about these organisms in terms of their actual spread and invasive status is scarce. Despite the existence of some laws regulating the import of foreign organisms, the issue if acknowledged by researchers does not occupy a prime position in research or official agendas. This is mostly due to a lack of awareness of the implications of alien aquatic invaders by policy makers, and the economic instability of the country, which has diverted funds into other areas considered more important. This paper focuses on generating a first assessment of the problem and designing a system that would allow for low-cost gathering of information regarding alien aquatic invaders, and making it readily available for researchers throughout Argentina. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo