Description of thermal entanglement with the static path plus random-phase approximation
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Canosa, Norma Beatriz
Matera, Juan Mauricio
Rossignoli, Raúl Dante
We discuss the application of the static path plus random-phase approximation sSPA+RPAd and the ensuing mean field+RPA treatment to the evaluation of entanglement in composite quantum systems at finite temperature. These methods involve just local diagonalizations and the determination of the generalized collective vibrational frequencies. As an illustration, we evaluate the pairwise entanglement in a fully connected XXZ chain of n spins at finite temperature in a transverse magnetic field b. It is shown that already the mean field+RPA provides an accurate analytic description of the concurrence below the mean field critical region (|b| < b<sub>c</sub>), exact for large n, whereas the full SPA+RPA is able to improve results for finite systems in the critical region. It is proven as well, that for T > 0 weak entanglement also arises when the ground state is separable (|b| > b<sub>c</sub>), with the limit temperature for pairwise entanglement exhibiting quite distinct regimes for (|b| < b<sub>c</sub>) and (|b| > b<sub>c</sub>). Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Instituto de Física La Plata